Hopefully This is The Last Time

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Hi Guys. 

I'm so sorry to do this to you again, but this is not an update. I'm sorry that I've made you all wait so long just for this to be me saying I'm sorry again. However I am close to being ready to release the next 2 chapters of this story, I just need to finish writing one more chapter of the Teen Titans spin off I'm starting. It should only be a week or 2 until you see what I've spent so long working on. 

Now this is where I'm going to ramble off a few more excuses for why it's been so long, but you can stop here if you want. 

So I did take multiple months off writing in 2021 mainly because I had gotten a full time summer job that lasted from late June into Late November and I just didn't have time to write while I was working. But after that it took me awhile to get back into writing, which I have been doing a lot of this past month. but with that being said I got distracted from the Teen Titans story I was trying to start mainly because I was struggling to come up with a story I wanted to tell with those characters, and being honest I still don't have one but I really want to get back to writing this story so I'm forcing my self to get through the first few chapters of that so I can get back to writing this. with that said even when I do return to writing Trained Weapons the updates will not be as frequent as they once were, this is not because I'm not writing as often as I once was. I am still trying to write daily, but now I also have 7 or 8 other story's I'm trying to write so those will take time away from this. 

I hope you can understand why there has been such a delay in this story coming out. I ask you to wait patiently just a little longer. And I would like to know what your opinion is on how many chapters of a new story I should have written before I start posting them? 

Thank you for your patience, I love you all.


Trained Weapons (Cassandra Cain x OC)Where stories live. Discover now