Chapter 55: Shipping Time

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It had been just over a week since Nightwing, Batgirl, Redwing, Orphan and Spoiler learned about the rumored existence of Cadmus' project X and none of them had learned anything new about what the project could be. The Court of Owls as well had not made any major moves in the week, Talons had only been seen guarding Court members and locations.

Since the court had reappeared Caleb and Cass would tend to stick together except for tonight, Stephanie had needed her help with something new that had come up while Dick had been called off by Batman for something. This left Caleb and Barbara alone in the Bat-bunker under Wayne tower. He was in full costume, minus his black and red leather jacket, sparing with a training dummy while she sat in front of the bunkers computer monitoring activity in Gotham.

As Caleb continues to hit the dummy Barbara gets an alert that Councilwoman Noctua is receiving a call from someone within Cadmus. Since she had already taped all of the known Court of Owls members phone lines she listens in on the conversation.

"What's the update?" Noctua asks over the phone.

"The first shipment should be entering Gotham as we speak." the cadmus employee says.

"Good. keep me updated on all new shipments and developments in the project." Noctua tells them before hanging up.

Caleb overhearing all of this has stopped hitting the training dummy and is now walking towards his motorcycle and says "find the truck then call the others."

"And where do you think you're going?" Barbara asks as he pulls on his hood and mask.

"I have a truck to intercept." Caleb tells her, putting on his jacket and getting on his bike.

"You're not going alone." Barbara tells him while getting to work locating the Cadmus truck.

"Then call the others." Caleb says as he drives out of the bunker.

"I'll take that as you want me to send you the location." Barbara says to herself.

After a couple minutes of Caleb racing to the bridges connecting Gotham to the mainland he receives a call from Batgirl. "Where is it?" he asks impatiently.

"The truck just crossed the Robinson bridge from Burnside." she tells him.

"Got it. Tell the others." Redwing says turning off his earpiece and revving up his bike to catch the Cadmus truck. 

"We hear." Cass informs Barbara over the comms.

"How soon can you be there?" Batgirl asks.

"Sorry we're kinda busy right now but we'll be there as soon as we can." Spoiler says turning to Orphan and Blue Bird as the three nod to each other.

" Spoiler says turning to Orphan and Blue Bird as the three nod to each other

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"I guess he's on his own for now." Barbara says mainly to herself. 

Back with Caleb, he rounds a corner turning off a side street and into traffic with the Cadmus truck in front of him. As he swerves in and out of traffic towards the truck Redwing jumps off his bike letting it skit to the of the street as he lands on top of the Cadmus truck. He then uses his contacts to scan the truck and finds that there are only the two people in the front of the truck and six tubes in the back. Redwing proceeds to fling himself through the passenger side window feet first knocking the person in the passenger seat out. The truck driver then pulls a pistol out of the center console and points it at the vigilante who grabs the gun out of their hand and hits them with it causing the truck to swerve out of control. Caleb then grabs the steering wheel and drives the truck into a light post before it can hit anyone as he jumps out the front window and proceeds to the back of the truck. As he walks to the back of the truck Redwing pulls out his billy club and breaks the lock keeping the truck door closed. As he steps up into the back of the truck Caleb sees that in the six tubes lining the walls of the truck are what look to be people in black bodysuits with yellow paneling and yellow wings extending from their face.

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