Chapter 45: Miss You Buddy

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Caleb was sitting at his desk in his room scrolling through Twitter when he gets a Call from Dick. "What's up?" Caleb says answering his phone.

"Does something have to be up for me to call you?" Dick says.

"Usually yah." Caleb says.

"Fine, I was going to tell you to take tonight off after you were out all night last night but I guess you don't want the break." Dick says.

"Dick, I haven't taken a night off since I started this. I don't need a break." Caleb tells him.

"Are you saying you haven't taken a night off since you became Redwing or since you started looking for the court?" Dick asks.

"Take a guess." Caleb says.

"Since you became Redwing?" Dick says hopefully.

"Have another guess." Caleb says.

"Are you saying you haven't taken a night off in over a year?" Dick asks.

"Correct." Caleb tells him.

"You're taking tonight off and no arguing, you need a break everyone does." Dick tells him.

"Fine." Caleb says.

"Good now take the time and watch a movie, read a book or something." Dick says.

"Sure whatever you say." Caleb responds.

"Don't worry I'll be with Barbara so I'll be fine." Dick tells Caleb.

"Not what I was worried about." Caleb says.

"I'm going to choose not to take that personally and go see my girlfriend." Dick says.

"Ok bye." Caleb says before hanging up and turning off his phone. He then put his phone down on his desk and leaned back in his chair when he felt someone tap his shoulder. Out of instinct Caleb grabbed the knife from his ankle while spinning around and putting the knife to their throat while standing up. He then saw that it was Cass so he lowered the knife and sat back down before tossing the knife onto his desk.

"What are you doing here?" Caleb asked, still looking at Cass.

"Want to talk." Cass tells him.

"What about?" Caleb asks.

"La...last night." Cass says.

"What about last night?" Caleb asks.

" bu...bug you." Cass says.

"What do you mean?" Caleb asks, starting to realize what she's talking about.

"Not know what but think Steph involved." Cass says.

"It has nothing to do with her." Caleb tells Cass, realizing what she's talking about.

"Then what it about?" Cass asks.

"It doesn't matter." Caleb tells her.

"It matter. Talk to me." Cass says.

"I don't want to talk about it." Caleb says while turning back around to his desk and covering his face with his hands while his elbows rest on the desk. Cass noticed the shakiness in his voice return so she walks up beside Caleb and pulls him into a hug. Caleb hesitates for a moment before turning in his chair and returning Cass' hug now letting the shakiness in his breath happen but trying to hold back tears.

"It ok, let it out." Cass tells Caleb.

"I just miss him." Caleb says, starting to cry as Cass tightens her arms around him. "'s been years a...and I just miss hi...him." Caleb says now fully crying.

"It ok, let it out, I here." Cass says while pulling Caleb out of his chair and moving him over to his bed where she sits them both down and pulls his head onto her shoulder.

"I, I miss him so much." Caleb cries. Cass just tightens her arms around him again pulling Caleb closer to her. Caleb and Cass then spend the night curled up together just holding each other not wanting to let go.  

(A/N) Just so you guys know I did have a bit of trouble writing this chapter and I just wanna say thank you for getting this book to over 1k reads it means so much to me that you are reading this and hopefully enjoying it. Please let me know if there is anything you want to see in this book because I have ideas of where to go but I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to get there so if there is something you want to see Caleb, Dick, Cass, Stephanie Barbara and or Jason jet up to just let me know and I will try my best to make it happen. 

Now for our current rankings we are #16 in Blackbat, #18 in Court of Owls, #37 in Spoiler, #44 in Talon, #45 in Barbara Gordon and #49 in Stephanie Brown so thank you for getting us here and again thank you for reading and hopefully enjoying what I write it means a lot to me that people are at least reading it. 


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