Chapter 4: The Warning

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As night falls on Gotham Caleb gets ready to head out for the night and continue his hunt for the court of owls. He puts his costume on and climbs out his window to scale the apartment building to get to the roof. When he got to the roof he saw Orphan who appeared to be waiting for him.

"What are you doing here?" Caleb asked her.

"Need to talk." she told him.

"What about?" he replied.

"Court of owls dangerous. Stop look for them." Orphan told him.

"I know they're dangerous, they killed my dad." Caleb replied before taking a breath and continuing. "But I've trained my whole life for this and I'm ready. I've almost found them too so you're not going to stop me."

To this Orphan nodes in response sighs then says. "Fine I help." causing Caleb to nod in response.

"Follow me." he tells her as they start to make their way to the home of a likely member of the court to watch them to see if they can lead them to the court's base.

The two watch the house for movement while Orphan occasionally goes off to deal with a mugging or robbery and returns a few minutes later.

Nothing strange happens until about 2 am when the potential court member gets a call. The call doesn't last long and as soon as it ends they quickly unlock a drawer in their desk, take out a notebook and write something down, put the book away and lock the drawer again. They then go back to sleep.

"Come on." Caleb tells Orphan as the two sneak up to one of the home offices windows. The two then open a window and sneak into the office and walk over to the desk. Orphan then grabs the key and hands it to Caleb who unlocks the drawer and takes out the book to find written in it is Friday 12:00 am normal place.

"What it say?" Orphan asks Caleb as he puts the book back.

"Friday midnight but i don't know where." he tells her as he locks the desk handing her back the key.

She puts the key back as she asks "what now?"

"Now we come back here Thursday at 11." Caleb tells her as they leave the same way they came in.

As the two get back on the roof they were originally on Orphan asks "so here Thursday 11?"

"Ya then follow them wherever they go." Caleb tells her to which she nods.

Caleb and Orphan then start roaming the city looking to see if there is anything going on. They find that Gotham is quiet at this time of night so they start to head back towards Caleb's apartment building. As they get close to his apartment Caleb asks "so should I be expecting you tomorrow?"

"Yes." Orphan told him simply.

"Good. so i'll see you tomorrow i guess." Caleb says back, causing her to what Caleb could only assume was smile under her mask. As they went their separate ways home. 

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