Chapter 23: Wing Report

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Once Caleb and Nightwing met at the bikes the two raced to Gotham City Bank, leaving Spoiler and Orphan watching the Powers hotel for any sign of the court of owls.

When Redwing and Nightwing got to the bank they saw 4 armored vans parked in the street while 4 thugs guarded the entrance to the bank. As the two drove up the street the thugs spotted them and started to shoot at them. Caleb and Nightwing then stopped their bikes behind one of the armored vans. The two then quickly positioned themselves next to the ends of the van while Nightwing pulled out 2 wingdings and Caleb pulled out 2 throwing knives. They then both threw what they were holding, knocking the guns out of the thugs hands as Nightwing threw a smoke pellet so the thugs couldn't see. The two then ran up and each kicked one of the thugs in to another thug knocking all 4 out.

Nightwing and Redwing then snuck into the bank and found about 2 dozen of Blackmask's thugs were robbing the bank. Nightwing then signaled for Caleb to go right as he went left and the 'wings' sprung into action. Caleb vaulted over a counter kicking a thug in the face while Nightwing flipped over another counter landing on a thug. Caleb then pulled out his new billy club as Nightwing pulled out his escrima sticks and the two got to work beating down the thugs. Once they had knocked out all the thugs the two walked out the front of the bank to find police and press waiting there. Nightwing seemed to enjoy the attention of the press while Caleb lowered his head and tried to get out of there as soon as possible.

To Caleb's dismay Nightwing had to talk to the police for a couple minutes while he waited by the bikes. Nightwing then walked over to Caleb and asked "you ready to get out of here and back to the girls?"

"You have no idea." Caleb responded. The 'wings' then got on their bikes and headed back to the Powers hotel where they parked their bikes in the alley where the girls' bikes were and headed back to their spots watching the hotel.

"Were back, did you miss us?" Nightwing asked over comms.

"No. no we did not." Spoiler responded.

"Ok but seriously did anything happen while we were gone?" Nightwing asked.

"No nothing yet." Spoiler responded.

"Ok, well stick around for another hour or two then call it a night." Nightwing told the team.

Over the next couple of hours nothing happened so Nightwing said "let's call it for the night and pick it back up another night. Be at the bikes in 5."

"Understood." Caleb responded.

"On my way." Spoiler replied.

"On way." Orphan said.

The four then met up at the bikes and headed back to the Bat-bunker. 

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