Chapter 39: Underwing (part 6)

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(A/N) I know most people when they think more of the one from the animated series or the comics but I'm basing my Bullock off the one from the Gotham show. so if described it will be more like the image show above than what you typically think of Bullock looking like. 


Nightwing and Redwing approach Harvey Bullock who is standing next to the Batmobile they arrived in. "who broke in?" Harvey asks.

"It was Firefly and Killer Moth, some of your boys already went in to arrest them." Nightwing tells him as Caleb hops up and sits on the hood of the Batmobile.

"Do you know what they wanted?" Harvey asks.

"Damn it. I knew I was forgetting something." Nightwing says.

"I'll get it out of them back at the station before we sand them back to Arkham." Harvey tells them.

Redwing just nods to Bullock while Nightwing says "sounds good, do you need us for anything else or do you have it form here?"

"Nope i got from here but who's the new guy?" Harvey asks.

"He's my new sidekick Redwing." Nightwing says.

"Good for you kid, but Ace chemicals really don't you think it's a little early for that it could have been anyone?" Harvey says.

"Whoever it was going to be, I could handle them." Redwing cuts in.

"You sure about that kid?" Harvey asks to which Caleb just nods.

"He claims to have been training his whole life and has apparently been operating in secret for a year without anyone knowing so I believe he can handle whatever we were going to face." Nightwing tells Harvey.

"I'll take your word for it kid." Harvey says as officers walk out of the Ace Chemicals building with Killer Moth and Firefly.

"Guess we're off then." Nightwing says, causing Caleb to nod. Caleb then gives Bullock a small two finger salute before hopping into the Batmobile with Nightwing. The two then drove off through the streets of Gotham and towards Wayne tower where they turned down an ally to a dead end and the wall opened up to a path to the Bat-bunker.

Once Dick and Caleb exit the Batmobile they hear a female voice yell "Dick is that you? the suit is gone, we need to talk."

Dick then turned to Caleb and said "wait here please." Caleb just nodded and hopped up to sit on the Batmobile again before Dick walked off to talk to whoever was in the bunker.

Because there weren't any walls in the bunker Caleb could overhear the conversation Dick was having so he listened in to see what it was about."

"Hey Babs what's up?" Dick asked nervously.

"I think you already know Dick." this Babs person said.

"If this is about Caleb what's the problem?" Dick asked.

"I know you have a soft spot for him but he doesn't care if he kills people."

"What about Damian when he first got to Gotham or Jason they're the same but I can help him move past it like Damian. I can get him not to kill again. He's a good kid." Dick says.

"How can you know that?" she asks

"Because you don't know him like I do." Dick tells her.

"What don't I know Dick?" the Babs person asks.

"He's lashing out because he hates himself Barbara, he hates who he is." Dick tells her.

"How do you know that?" Barbara asks, lowering her tone.

"He told me. He told me he hates himself because with all his training to fight the Court of Owls it's made him their perfect weapon." Dick tells her. "That's not who he wants to be and he thought that was just who he was so he hated himself. I'm just trying to show him that's not who he has to be, that he can do good." Dick continues.

"Of course you are." Barbara says. "Does Cass know about this yet?" she asked.

"We just started tonight so not yet." Dick says. "Wanna meet him?" he asks.

"Wait he's here?!" Barbara asks.

"Hole time." Dick responds.

"Do you think he overheard us?" she asks.

"Probably." Dick tells her. 

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