Chapter 14: Family Ties

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After Caleb, Cass and Christi finished eating, Caleb and Cass were in the living room watching the news while Christi was cleaning the dishes from dinner.

"So do you have your costume with you or do we need to go and get it before we go out for the night?" Caleb asked Cass.

"In bag on es..escape." she replied.

"Ok so whenever you're ready to head out you can change in my room and I'll change in the bathroom or we can do that the other way around if you want?" Caleb told her.

"First one fine." Cass told him.

"Ok so whenever you're ready let me know." Caleb replied.

"We go now?" she asked.

"Sure." Caleb replied. Caleb then grabbed his costume and left to go change in the bathroom while Cass changed in his room. When Caleb was changed he knocked on the door to his room and asked "You ready?"

"Yes." is all he heard from his room so he opened the door and walked in to see Cass in her Orphan costume sitting on his bed looking down.

Caleb then walked over and sat next to her and asked "what's wrong?"

"You ra...raised to fight but still have Still have life out of fight." Cass told him.

"Do you not have a family?" Caleb asked her.

"Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl, Robin, Red Robin, Stephanie they my family." she told him.

"But I take it their not your actual family?" Caleb said to which Cass just nodded sadly. Seeing this Caleb pulled Cass in for a hug which she instantly returned the gesture and hugged him back. Caleb then told her "you know if you ever need someone to talk to or you know just sit in silence with I'm here for you." Cass then pulled out of the hug and got up from the bed. The two then walked to the window when Caleb yelled out "mom we're heading out now!"

"Ok don't get into too much trouble!" Christi yelled back.

As Caleb was about to climb out the window Cass grabbed his arm causing him to turn to her. Before he could say anything Cass kissed him on the cheek.

"What was that for?" Caleb asked, surprised. Cass just shrugged in response before climbing out the window leaving Caleb standing by the window in shock.

"You coming?" Cass teased from the fire escape which snapped Caleb back to what was going on as he climbed out the fire escape after her.

As the two reached the roof they heard "There you two are, I was wondering when you were going to show up." the two then turned to see Nightwing standing there waiting for them. 

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