Chapter 18: Shots Taken

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After Nightwing, Spoiler, Orphan and Caleb stopped Two-face from robbing Gotham National Bank and they were all now on the roof Caleb asked "so is that all we're doing for the night or are we heading back to the bunker?"

"That was it. Why do you have somewhere to be?" Nightwing asked.

"Nowhere specific just on the streets looking for trouble." Caleb told him.

"Ok. tomorrow be at the bunker at 10." Nightwing told him. He then continued "and that goes for both of you too." he said turning to Cass and Stephanie.

"Is that 10 am or pm?" Stephanie asked.

Nightwing just facepalmed and said "pm. Why would we meet at 10 in the morning when we work at night?"

"Ah good point." Stephanie responded. Caleb then nodded to Nightwing and Spoiler before turning around and starting to walk away. Cass then did the same and followed Caleb as the two went off into Gotham leaving Nightwing and Spoiler behind.

As the two were running on rooftops neither said a word they were just running in a comfortable silence neither cared to break. They then heard some yelling from an alleyway so they peered over the edge of the building to see two men mugging a waitress who just got off work. Caleb and Cass just nodded to each other before jumping down and each landing behind one of the muggers and throwing them into the wall. After the two muggers hit the wall 5 more thugs poured in from the back of the alley pulling out guns. Caleb then threw 5 knives and knocked the guns out of their hands as Cass ran up to one leapt over them while grabbing their head and threw them into another thug. Caleb then ran up and kneed one of the thugs in the face as Cass kicked another one into a wall. Caleb then grabbed the final thug and threw them into a dumpster.

The two then scaled up the building before the waitress could thank them and they were gone. One they were back on the roof Caleb looked over at Cass and noticed blood running down her arm.

"Cass, are you ok, are you bleeding?" Caleb asked worried.

"Both yes." Cass replied.

"What happened and when?" Caleb asked.

"Shot at bank." she told him.

"You were shot at the bank?!" he responded to which Cass merely nodded. Caleb then took a breath before asking "is the bullet still in your arm?" to which Cass just shook her head.

"At least we don't need to remove it, ok back to my place so we can stitch you up." Caleb told her. Cass just nodded before the two went back to Caleb's apartment where Caleb told Cass "ok get ready while I go grab the med kit from the kitchen." Caleb then left the room as Cass changed back into the clothes she showed up here in earlier that day.

When Caleb got back to his room he saw that the bullet had gone straight through her arm. Caleb then sat down next to Cass on his bed as she held her arm out. He then cleaned the bullet holes and stitched them shut, Caleb then grabbed a bandage and wrapped her arm up.

"Thank you." Cass said when Caleb finished bandaging her arm.

Caleb sighed then said "no problem. And um if you want to stay the night I'll ah take the couch." Caleb turned to look at Cass as she shook her head. This caused Caleb to give her a questioning look.

"Sleep to...together?" Cass told him.

"Are ah you sure?" Caleb asked surprised, to which Cass only nodded. "Ok then." Caleb said as he grabbed a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt and went to the bathroom to change. When he got back to his room he found Cass laying in his bed so he walked over to his bed and kissed her forehead before lying down next to her.

"You miss." Cass told him while rolling over to look at Caleb.

"Then show me where I should have been aiming." Caleb told her. Cass then grabbed Caleb's head and kissed him on the lips. 

(A/N) I know I don't normally do these at the end of chapters in the rare occasion I do write one of these but I just wanted to say thank you for getting this book to over 150 reads and as of posting this chapter this book is currently #11 in court of owls #14 in blackbat  #38 in spoiler #46 in Stephanie brown. so thank you for getting the book here and thank you for reading and supporting it. 


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