Chapter 3: The Report

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"Now who are you?" Caleb asked the girl staring at him.

"Orphan." The girl responded

"What's that supposed to mean?" Caleb asked her.

"My name Orphan, yours TH." She said.

"Ya something like that." Caleb told her. He then took a breath and asked "so why do you do it?"

"Show I not what they make me." She told him while looking down at her feet. She then looked back up at Caleb and simply asked "you?"

"I have my reasons." Caleb said.

"No. I tell you, you tell me. Talk now!" Orphan demands.

"Fine. My dad was killed a little over a year ago and I'm trying to find the people who did it." Caleb told her.

"Court of owls?" She asks him.

"Ya them." He replies.

Orphan then puts a finger on her ear as if receiving a call and replies with "ya found him."

"That wouldn't happen to be batman would it?" Caleb asks her to which she nods. "Shit!" Caleb yells in frustration.

"What wrong with batman?" she asks him.

"Nothing. It's just that I've gone unnoticed for a year and I was hoping to stay that way." Caleb said defeatedly.

"I say you friend and nothing else." orphan tells Caleb.

This shocks Caleb as he replies "really you'd do that." to which she only nods. "Well thanks, I guess" he tells her. She then goes back to the call she was receiving while Caleb walks to the other side of the roof to give her space to talk to who he guessed was batman.

After she finished her conversation Orphan walked up beside Caleb who nodded to her. The two then started running through the city by rooftop looking for the next thing they had to deal with. The two of them spend the night like this running from roof to roof looking for the next mugging or robbery until it gets to be about 3 am.

"I should probably get home now, the streets are quiet and i should try to get some sleep." Caleb says to which orphan nods in agreement. "So will I be seeing you around? It was fun working with you." Caleb tells Orphan.

"Yes, see you around" she replies to which Caleb nods and starts to walk away.

As Caleb goes back to the apartment he is living in with his mother he can't shake the feeling that someone is watching him and assumes it's Orphan. Once Caleb gets to the apartment he climbs through his window into his room. He then takes his costume off and tries to get a couple hours of sleep before he has to get up in the morning. 

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