Chapter 41: Wing Patrol

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(A/N) this is just a quick heads up that chapters will be longer from here on out starting with this one. this is because I am no longer doing daily chapters but I will still be writing every day, I will be writing longer chapters that cover the entire story I'm trying to tell in the moment instead of breaking them up over multiple parts. because of this chapters will come out whenever I finish them and they will be longer then previous chapters with this one being over 4 times longer than every other chapter. I hope you understand the changes I am making to this story going forward, you will not get any less story but the chapters will be less frequent. 


It had been a day since Caleb and Dick talked in the cemetery and Caleb was driving his motorcycle through the streets of Gotham as night fell on the city. He was headed towards Wayne tower and the secret bunker hidden beneath it where he would meet Nightwing. Once Caleb arrived at the Bat-bunker he parked his bike and walked up the stairs from the garage to the computer where Dick was waiting for him in costume.

"What are we doing tonight?" Caleb asked as he walked up behind Dick.

"Not sure yet, i thought we would just go where we're needed and see where it takes us." Dick told him. Caleb just nodded in response while Dick stood up from the computer. Caleb then followed Dick to the bikes as he put his mask on and said "I thought we'd take the bikes today." Caleb just nodded to him as the two got on their bikes and left the bunker. The two stopped a break in at a convenience store before Nightwing got a call on his earpiece.

"We're on it and there's no need for backup, the wings got this covered." Nightwing told whoever had called him.

"What was that about?" Redwing asked.

"Someone just hit Blackmask's vault and it's and it's thought to be Killer Croc trying to pull himself up out of the sewers and restart his gang." Nightwing told him.

"So what are we doing?" Redwing asks.

"We're going after the giant man eating crocodile." Nightwing says.

"Fun." Redwing says as they get back on their bikes and head towards where Killer Croc was thought to have headed, leading them to the sewers. Once the 'wings' get to the open sewer grate near Blackmask's vault they jump down into the sewers leaving their bikes behind.

"Why does Croc have to be a sewer dweller?" Nightwing says as they start walking through the sewers.

"What are we looking for?" Caleb asks as they trudge through the dirty water below the streets of Gotham.

"There are a few scratch marks here and there and a couple scales even further apart, so if we follow those we should find him." Nightwing says.

"Ok I'll just follow you cause I've learned to see in the dark but I can't make out details like those." Caleb tells him.

"You can see in the dark?!" Nightwing asks.

"It's mainly shapes and silhouettes but yes I can see in the dark." Caleb says.

"That's cool." Nightwing says. "I think you're the first person I've met who can see in the dark without enhanced vision or a gadget of some sort." he continues.

"Even Batman?" Caleb asks.

"Why do you think we all wear masks covering our eyes?" Nightwing asks back but when Caleb just shrugs he says "it's not just to hide our identities there are all sorts of scanners built in from infrared to night vision to x-ray all in the mask."

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