Chapter 12: the arrangement

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After Batman and Talon Hunter stopped fighting and agreed to truce Cass ran over to Caleb and hugged him.

She then asked "you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine, I promise." he told her. Cass just nodded and hugged Caleb tighter then let go and took a step back.

"Caleb ..." Batman started before he was interrupted.

"You don't get to call me that!" Caleb said aggressively.

"Fine Talon Hunter. You do need to stop you search for the court or someone will get hurt." Batman told him.

"I've been hunting them for a year and I'm 99 percent sure they don't even know I'm looking for them." Caleb told Batman.

"You need to stop before it's too late and you can't undo what's happened." Batman told Caleb.

"Maybe, but what you don't know is I've been training my whole life for my inevitable fight with the Court of Owls. So if you want to stop me go ahead and try but they already struck first." Caleb told Batman.

"But what about your mom, aren't you putting her in the line of fire by doing this?" spoiler asked butting into the conversation.

"She's been in the line of fire for years. I'm just going after them before they come after us." Caleb told them.

Cass just nodded at Caleb and said "I help."

"No! You are not getting involved in this." Batman told Orphan.

"Already am can't stop me." Orphan replied. This just caused Batman to glare at her with the signature bat stare.

Then out of nowhere "oh, what the hell why not, I'll help take down a secret organization that runs all of Gotham sounds like fun." Spoiler says. This causes the other three on the roof to stare at her and Cass nodes at her friend in purple.

"Fine if the three of you are so determined to go after the court I'm sending Nightwing with you to make sure things don't get out of hand." Batman told them.

"Oh come on we don't need a babysitter." Spoiler complained.

"He's not a babysitter. I'm sending him with you because he has gone up against the court before and you could use the help." Batman told her.

"Fine but i don't think he likes me very much." Caleb said.

"And why would that be?" Batman asked.

"I overheard him telling Cass to be careful around me." Caleb replied.

"As i said he has experience with the court and you happened to look like you could be a talon." Batman told him.

"Ah. so you're sending him with us because you don't trust me." Caleb replied.

"You did just attack me." Batman says back.

"Well you threatened my mom." Caleb says back.

"Fine no more threats." Batman says sticking his hand out to Caleb.

"Deal no more threats" Caleb replies, shaking Batman's hand. Batman then turns from the three other costumes vigilantes and seems to be calling someone on an earpiece.

Caleb and Cass both then retrieved their stuff that was laying on the roof and joined up with Spoiler as the three walked off the roof and started searching for a crime to deal with. 

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