Chapter 17: Team Excursion

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After Caleb's apology he, Cass Stephanie and Nightwing got ready to go to work. Then Nightwing said "i don't know how much the three of you have worked together but we could all probably use some time to figure out how this team will work together and i have it on good authority that Two-face is going to try to rob a bank tonight."

"So we're using that as a chance to learn how to properly work together. Sounds good." Stephanie replied. Caleb then quickly looked over at Cass and the two nodded to Nightwing.

"Ok lets go." Nightwing said as he activated a secret panel that opened a door to an elevator. The four then entered the elevator and waited for it to open. When the elevator opened the four stepped out onto the roof of Wayne Tower.

"Ok so there's an elevator that goes from the secret basement to the roof. Why didn't we use that earlier?" Caleb asked.

"Because when we enter through the subway you get to see the entire base." Nightwing responded.

"Fair." is all Caleb said in response before the four jumped off the top of Wayne Tower and made their way towards Gotham National bank.

Once the four got to the bank they saw 6 armored vehicles park in front of the bank and about 4 dozen Two-face goons poured out before Two-face himself stepped out and walked up to the bank.

"Ok we need to act quickly so Redwing you seem to be a stealthy guy so sneak in there and cut the lights while Orphan and spoiler distract the goons and I'll go after Two-face. Now move." Nightwing told the team. Caleb nodded to Nightwing then slid into a roof vent to not make a scene of getting into the bank. Caleb crawled through the vents until he found the security room of the bank where he dropped down out of the vent and cut the lights before heading to the main hall of the bank where he saw Nightwing, Spoiler and Orphan drop down through the skylight.

As Nightwing, Spoiler and Orphan landed in the bank they split up and started to fight Two-face and his gang. Caleb then ran at the goons in the cover of darkness so they could only hear the pitter patter of his feet as he ran before he kneed one of them in the face while throwing a few knives knocking weapons out of a few thugs hands. Caleb, Spoiler and Orphan distracted the goons so they wouldn't be able to help Two-face against Nightwing. With the lights out and Two-face on his own Nightwing quickly knocked him out and helped with the goons.

Once all the goons were knocked out the lights came back on and Caleb, Orphan, Spoiler and Nightwing were all looking at each other with unconscious goons at their feet. Nightwing, Spoiler and Orphan then pull out grappling hooks and shoot up to the roof leaving Caleb in the bank. Caleb just sighs before running to the wall of the bank quickly scaling it and jumping off the wall to grab a bar of the skylight and swung himself so he was thrown on to the roof and landed on his feet. Caleb then turned around to see the other three looking at him surprised.

"So were you just showing off or do you not have a grappling hook?" Nightwing asked.

"I have all I need." Caleb told him.

"Which is?" Spoiler asked.

"My billy club and throwing knives." he told them.

"Ok so we're going to need to update your arsenal." Nightwing told him. 

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