The Great Bridge

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(Kiaria's POV):

"T-This is beyond crazy! This is MADNESS! A-After searching for him for so long, he decides to reach out to you, princess!" I gawked at (Y/n), who looked quizzically at me. "Why have you been searching for him?" She asked me, as I tried to take a breath to calm my racing heart.

"He was the person most likely to know how to bring you back in! Not to mention that someone working so closely with those... despicable beings, would have valuable information," I paced back and forth, before going to look back at the stack of documents that were in my hands. "And I am willing to wager that these documents perhaps have some very useful information for us and our cause!" I nodded, as I continued to decipher the document... only to get lost with all the fancy words he was using, or rather, things that made no sense to me. "Wormholes?... Space-time continuum?... Does anyone of you know what any of this means?" I asked the group, who seemed just as lost as I was, though the princess seemed to have some idea what those words meant, which was a good sign. It must have been nice inquiring so much knowledge in the other realm...

"Ki, does anything stand out to you in the document, other than strange words?" (Y/n) asked me, as I hummed, and went to do a quick scan. "Well... there appears to be this one part that... kind of alarms me..." I sweated nervously.

"What is it?" She pressed, as I gulped.

"W-Well... it appears that... Vegapunk may have played some role in bringing you back to our realm..." I murmured, "A-Apparently... he was in the process of developing some new technology to reach what he describes as some other fancy word that I don't understand... it seems that he wished to try and reach the other realm that you were in, and in the process of creating a test portal to the other realm, he saw that something flew out of it... and that something was you, princess!" I gawked as I looked at her, while she too looked stunned.

"...That could explain why the band on my head that the weird scientist guy gave me was broken when I woke up... who would have thought that the two unknowingly created a bridge between two different dimensions... incredible..." She gawked, as the strawhat looked completely lost.

"So... what does he want with us? He said he could help us," He pointed out, as I continued to read the documents.

"He said that he wishes to meet the princess... at the very place she first appeared," My eyes widened, as everyone looked mortified.

"All the way back there, with all the marines after us?!" The long-nosed sniper teared up, while the reindeer also looked horrified.

"WE GET TO MEET VEGAPUNK!" The cyborg man cheered with a big excited grin and starry eyes, as he struck a bizarre pose, while the swordsman of their crew seemed the opposite of pleased.

"(Y/n) said these documents were recent, so why the hell couldn't he have just met us in person?" He folded his arms, as I looked back at the document. 

"Because that is where the lab he used to create this doohicky is. According to this, he recently noticed that the contraption is... weakening, and he has a theory that the only reason he was able to create a portal between the two realms in the first place is because a device of similar power was present in the other realm, allowing a bridge of sorts to exist. But, if one end of the bridge is falling apart... then the bridge is no longer a bridge, wouldn't you say?" I started to sweat nervously.

"A-And that is not even the worst part... According to this, since (Y/n) is tied between the two realms, there could be side effects that can happen to her if one realm were to become completely inaccessible... s-something scary-sounding like... cell disintegration." My lip trembled, as I noticed the doctors growing completely serious, while the one with dark circles immediately ran to (Y/n).

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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