So it was you

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(A/N); Writers block... I shall conquer you, dang it! 


I... was in shock. How could I not be with learning such a crazy thing?! 

"Y-you're lying.... you should be... this isn't possible... b-but then how come I am starting to remember it?!" I held my head tightly, as the tall blond smirked more to me, before shrugging his shoulders.

"I am not quite sure why you have forgotten such a thing myself, either, but hey, what counts is that you're starting to remember!" He chuckled, as my instinct was to start backing away. 

"B-but how in the-? Im not apart of- ughhh my head..." I groaned, as I started to back away even more. Thanks to my newfound 'memories', I came to realize something a bit disturbing. 

"I-it was you! You were the one threathening the island!" I pointed out, as he snickered more. "Yes, it was me! I am glad that you're starting to recall!" He smirked madly, as I took a defensive stance. I may not have my powers currently, but I was able to fight decently enough, if need be. Yes, he was ridiculously taller than me, but s-still, I need to get out of here! 

"So, you now realize what you must do, heh." He grinned, as I shook my head. "T-there is no way in hell I am going to go through with this lunacy! I-I meant what I said back then!" I gritted my teeth, going to clench my fists tightly in utter agitation. Why am I so surprised, though? This is Doflamingo we are talking about! He would do anything, no matter how horrid, if it suited him. 

"Why are you looking at me with such disgust, (y/n)?... I am your fiance!" He pointed out, as I shook my head again. "N-no, you're not! I have no fiance, or even a boyfriend as of now! No matter how much you'd try to intimidate me, or blackmail me, I will never agree to this! I want to marry for love, not because of some arranged nonsense!" I spat out, knowing that my words could come back to sting me, but I didn't care. No matter how pressed to the corner I was, I will never yield to this! If I did, it'd be like losing a part of me, like losing my dignity! 

"You talk as if you have a choice in the matter! Look, I want to make this entire ordeal pleasant for you, but if you continue to be stubborn, I'd have to be harsher with you!" He warned me lowly, as I took a deep breath. Yes, this situation looked bad, REALLY bad, but no matter what, I can never yield to this insanity! NEVER!

"I-if all this craziness is actually true, and not just a vivid part of my imagination, then you'd probably try to blackmail me with my home island again if I do not comply with you... is that correct? Is that the ace that you have been hiding under your sleeve?" I questioned, as he continued to smirk at me. Honestly, it'd be great if I could wipe that smirk right off him. 

"That would be the case, but you see... things have clearly changed now.... so I have another ace, but not the one you think I have, or that sniveling moron who is supposed to be dead, either..." He snickered, before the hat girl from before, then suddenly appeared like magic. I would be amused if I wasn't being threatened right now, and without my devil fruit powers. 

"With the permission of the one who's so heavenly, it was me who captured your powers!" She giggled, before tapping her now gigantic hat. Great, now there is two people I DON'T wish to be around in the same room.

"And-AH! " The girl yelped, before she was knocked hard to the floor. 

"Don't get mad at the messenger, I was the one behind the order!" Flamingo man chuckled, as I took note on how my body just acted out of reflex to sucker-punch this girl. 

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