The start of something big

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"Uh oh, I don't hear it anymore." Maree muttered out of the blue, as both Drake and Luffy went to look at her, not getting what she meant. "Hear what?" Luffy questioned her, as she gave him an apologetic frown. "(y/n). I don't hear her heart beating anymore." At that, the duo went to turn ghastly white, before Luffy went to dash into the interior of the ship, with Drake trailing quickly behind him. "T-the last place she was in was here, the training hall!!" He directed, as Luffy nodded, before slamming the door open. "(Y/N)!!!" 

However, there was no longer a single soul in the training hall. Maree went to soon after follow them, continuing to frown, as she twiddled her thumbs. "I-Im so sorry... Just out of nowhere, her heartbeat suddenly disappeared..." She teared up, going to bite her lip. "B-but I don't know how! And I didn't hear anyone else's, so I can't confirm or deny if she was k-kidnapped!" She sniffled, as Luffy went to clench his fist, before gritting his teeth. "She had to have been taken... after all, that seems to be the case with her, what with her 1 trillion bounty and all..." He stated like a fact, as Maree continued to sniffle softly. "B-but how are we going to find her again? She could be anywhere from the east blue to Mariejois!..." She questioned, as Luffy went to hold his chin in thought, before heading out the door, and going back outside. 

"Everyone, come here to dinosaur guy's ship! We have to talk about something very important; it concerns (y/n)!" He told his fellow compadres from the other side, as everyone, as instructed, went to hop on deck Drake's ship, as Drake went to sweat nervously at this act. "Why must it be on my ship and not yours, strawhat?.." He questioned more to himself than to him.

"Someone has taken (y/n) again, but this time, we have no idea who it was who did it! No notes, no suspicious people; nothing! So, we have to figure out somehow who could of possibly did it!" He told everyone, as they went to look at him like he was a moron. "Yeah, very helpful advice, strawhat. Finding (y/n) without any leads or clues. She could be dead by the time we mindlessly search around for her." Drake pointed out coldly, as Maree went to freak out at that. "D-don't talk like that, Drake! We will find her!" She said optimistically, as he went to soften up a bit at that, before sighing out. "My point still remains; how is someone suppose to find someone without any leads or clues at all?" He questioned, as Robin went to come forward. 

"Maybe that is it..." She murmured, as Drake rose a curious brow. "What is?" He asked, as she seemed deep in thought. "Maybe the very fact that we have no clues or hints could help us figure out where (y/n) could of been taken... or rather, who could of done it.." She muttered, as Nami's eyes widened at coming to the same conclusion as well. "You're right! There is only a few people in the world that could of been able to snatch (y/n) without being detected by Maree!" She pointed out, as Drake went to also ponder this line of thinking, before smirking at coming to a conclusion. "Oh, I see... I think I know who could of did it, now..." He chuckled, as Luffy turned to him. "Who? Who was the jerk who stole (y/n)?" He asked, as Drake went to direct his gaze at the person in question. 

"It was you, Trafalgar Law; you took (y/n) while everybody was panicking from the run in with Akainu!" He deduced, as Law looked completely baffled at that accusation, while Maree went to look at Drake dumbfounded. 

"Really, Drake? Are you really doing this right now?" She questioned him, like he just uttered the most ludicrous thing she had ever heard. "Of course I am doing this right now! Logically, only he could of known that (y/n) was with me during this entire fiasco, and with his power to teleport anything at will from one place to the other, it makes sense that he would do it!" He explained, as Law went to glare at him. "I had no idea where (y/n)-ya was on your ship, so it would of been impossible for me to do that." Drake went to shrug his shoulders. "Well, until we find another suspect, I am putting this on you, Law." He told him, as Luffy went to look at Law in disbelief. "Did you really take (y/n), tra-guy?" "Of course not, you moron!" 

"Yeah, he's telling the truth." Maree confirmed, as Luffy went to gasp at her. "Really? How can you tell, Maree?" He asked, as she smiled brightly. "Easy; by listening to his heart beat. What the mind keeps well hidden, the heart gives away freely." She explained, before turning to the accused raven-head. "His heart tells me; 'of course I didn't take (y/n), you idiots! If I did, then I would have even more explaining to do with my crew'...?" She repeated aloud, confused on what the last part means, before Law's cheeks burned a crimson red. "P-please refrain from doing that, again..." He spoke lowly, as everyone went to give him a curious look, as if wondering what the last part of what Maree said means. 

"However, I must warn you guys, that my hearing isn't always on the dot... some people can actually bypass my hearing." She informed them, as they all wen to blink at that. "Really? How is that possible?" Nami questioned, as Maree went to hold her arm in thought. "Well, when I say that, I mean that some people can make their heart come in tune with what they say... psychopaths, in other words. Since they lack normal feelings like a normal person, their heart is able to only tell what the brain would allow." She elaborated, as everyone took in what she was telling them. "So, if a psychopath were to lie... you wouldn't be able to tell if they were lying, based on their heart?" Usopp questioned, as the blonde nodded. "Yup. If anything, I would be thinking they would be telling the truth... but I found a 50/50 way to tell if i am encountering one." She smiled softly, as he perked up at that. "Really? What is it?" He asked, as she folded her arms. "It's true that their heart will only give me information that their brain would allow, but their hearts in particular sound... strange. What people don't know is that even if you're not conscious about it, your heart would often give so much different information at once, half of that information not even being relevant." She then turned to Luffy. "For example, strawhat's heart tells me that he finds my ability very cool, he's worried about (y/n) and how she's doing, and how he's thinking to ask Sanji later on to cook him some meat." She explained, as Luffy went to look at her in shock, while Zoro went to give an amused smirk. "Yup, that sounds like our captain, alright." He nodded. 

"However, the heart of a psychopath would only tell me relevant information at all times, which is very unnatural, since like I said before, normal hearts give out random information to me freely without thought, heh heh." She chuckled at her corny joke, as everyone went to take this information in. "This ability of your's is soooo cooooll, Maree!" Luffy chirped, alongside an impressed Usopp and Chopper, as she went to giggle happily. "Aw, thanks, you guys! It's really nothing!" She chuckled, as Nami went to hum in thought. "Could this heart reading ability of your's... be used to track down (y/n)?" She questioned, as Maree went to frown at that. "It could, but since im the weakest out of the three of us, I can only hear in a short range... sorry.." She apologized, just as a white bird went to swoop right past the group, which caught them off guard. "Hey, watch where you are going, stupid pigeon!" Luffy barked, as the whole strawhat crew then went to tense up, well, save for Brook, who just looked at his fellow companions in utter confusion. "W-what? What is it?" He inquired, clueless, as Nami went to turn to Luffy. "Luffy, grab that pigeon, quick!" She ordered, while Luffy went to look at her confused, before doing what she said, which resulted in him holding onto one ticked off pigeon. 

"Hey... this pigeon reminds me of someone..." Luffy murmured, the gears in his head starting to slowly turn, as Nami went to face-palm herself, while Robin went to now smirk confidently. "So that's who took (y/n)!" She proclaimed, as Luffy raised his head towards her, the pigeon in his hands going to feverishly peck his fingers, while trying to flap it's wings to get out of his clutches. "Huh? You know who took (y/n)?" He asked, as she nodded. "Yes, with that pigeon, and (y/n)'s mysterious disappearance without a trace being my evidence! The person, or rather, people, that have taken (y/n)... CP9." 

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