You was at the club

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(A/N); Warning; drunken shenanigans from reader incoming 


"M-man, I am still traumatized with what happened earlier..." I hiccuped to Nami and Robin, who went to both give me apologetic looks, as Brook was strumming along on his guitar, almost as if serving for some background music, which I found a bit funny, in a painful, ironic sense. "I get where you are coming from. Once I was taking a bath, and some invisible weirdo was peeping in on me, and pinned me to the wall! He also tried to marry me, the creep!" Nami told me, as I nodded. "Yeah, that sounds pretty bad..." I sighed, as I went to drink another cup full of this delicious drink that Sanji prepared. "Mmm, this stuff is good... I wonder what is in it?" I asked, as Robin smiled to me. "It's suppose to be some variety of fruit punch." She informed me, as I went to take a whiff of the strong aroma that emitted from it. "Hmm... are you sure it's just that? I-it's kind of *hiccup!* strong..." I murmured, as Robin and Nami went to look at me with concerned looks, before Nami went to search for Sanji. "Hey Sanji, what are the ingredients of the punch you prepared?" She questioned the blond, who was more than happy to tell her. All the ingredients didn't seem anything out of the ordinary, which seemed to have confused her, as I went to simply shrug, and drink some more; it was really good. 

When I went to refill my cup, I then took notice with how frustrated Luffy seemed to be as he played some card game with his brothers, with Ace going to smirk confidently, as Sabo held his face in his hands, seeming done with the whole situation. "You're cheating again, Ace! You know what? I am done playing with you!" Luffy complained, throwing his deck down, as Ace chuckled triumphantly. "What's the matter, Luffy? Can't take the heat?" He cackled, as Luffy went to stomp angrily away. "Don't feel bad, Luffy! I would of did far worse with whatever game you guys were playing!" I attempted to cheer him up, as he rose his thin eyebrows. "Really?" I nodded to him. "Yup! I wouldn't be even able to focus on the game, with how much of a snack Ace looks!" I giggled, as the man in question went to stop laughing at hearing what I said, instead going to blush up a storm, while Sabo just looked surprised to hear what I just said. "Oh, c'mon, Ace! Stop fronting like you never heard that before, mister number one! You should know with sweet abs like that, you'd get allll the girls' attention!" I informed him, as Luffy went to scratch his head, not getting what I was saying at all. "Wait... a-are you a cannibal, (y/n)?!" He gasped to me, as I clunked him on the head. "No, you idiot! I just tell the truth how it is!" I postured confidently, as Luffy went to then stare blankly at me, before going to get some food to feed his bottomless pit of a stomach. You know, I missed this fun, wacky atmosphere...

"It feels good to be back... I had missed you guys a lot." I told Robin, who grinned to me. "We also missed you too, (y/n). However, it seems that no one was more worried for you than our captain, but that's to be expected." She informed me with a soft chuckle, as I went to grin like a dork at that information. "Of course... he believes strongly that I am apart of his crew, after all..." I hiccuped, as Law went to enter our space, seeming to be going to reach for some onigiri, as I went to chuckle. 

"Hey Law... Im really happy you cared so much about me..." I giggled to him, as he went to blush in embarrassment, before going to simply go to nibbling on his precious snack, not going to address my statement, which made me frown. "Hey, I just told you something... respond back, you jerk..." I mumbled out, as he went to cough awkwardly. "(y/n), have you been drinking any alcohol by any chance?" He questioned me out of the blue, as I went to look at him in disbelief. "O-of course not, you bastard!.... All ive been drinking is this delish punch..." I got out, as he rose a brow at that. "Uhuh..." He sighed, not seeming to believe me, as I went to frown at him, before getting up from my chair, as Robin just looked on in amusement. For what reason, I had no idea. 

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