Something about us

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(A/N); this gem popped up in my recommendations today, and inspired me to write this tid bit. 

I think the lyrics resonate perfectly from the POV of a certain someone, wouldn't you agree?~ 


It had felt like forever since the last time I had saw (y/n) In person. I had tried so hard to remain cool about this situation, but it was proving more and more difficult as the days pass me by. 

'This is killing me... I want to see her again! Nothing in the world, not even donuts, could compare to how happy she makes me! B-but, I can't just simply forget what had happened, either... Would my presence just make things more difficult?... Should I just talk this out with her?...' I pondered deeply to myself, so much so I didn't realize that someone had entered my room. 

"Big brother?... You look like you haven't slept in days!" I heard the voice of Pudding speak to me, as I blinked in surprise at seeing her. 

"Oh... hello, Pudding. As of late, I just do not find it in myself to sleep as soundly..." I admitted, as she went to frown at me. "It is about (y/n), isn't it?" She questioned, as I went to simply nod; lying about the situation would get me nowhere. 

"I know far too much exactly how you feel, big brother. There is no worse feeling in the world than not being able to be with the one you love." She sighed, before going to plop on my bed, and sit next to me. 

"...Did you really love that Vinsmoke boy?" I questioned her, as she went to nod. "Yes, I did... I know I shouldn't of, and I fought against it all the way, but I just couldn't help but fall for someone as kind as him." She smiled softly, as if recalling some fond memory, before frowning. "B-but... things are different now.." She whispered, going to huddle herself, as I went to give her a comforting hug. 

"Yes.... this was quite the unfortunate situation..." I murmured, as she nodded in agreement, before going to bite her lip. "B-but it's not fair, K-katakuri... after living my entire life with everyone around me judging me and making me feel like some weird freak of nature... the only man who made me feel beautiful, like I am not less than, had to be him, the very one I just couldn't have..." She muttered out, her eyes on the verge of tears, as what she was saying hit too close to home for me. I didn't really understand it before, but now... I know exactly how she feels about that whole situation. 

"I wish there was something I could do about it, but as it stands now, it's for the best if he stays away from you. We don't need mama getting more mad than she already is." I pointed out to her, as she nodded softly. "Yeah, I understand..." She then turned her head towards me, her eyes now holding a firm gaze on me. 

"However, how it ended for me, does not have to be how it ends for you, Katakuri! The odds are in your favor, so you have to go for it, and keep fighting!" She told me passionately, as I was taken a bit aback by that, before going to hang my head a tad. 

"I thank you for the encouragement, but after what (y/n) told me... I don't really know what to do next." I murmured, as she continued to look at me sternly. "You have to keep loving her! You have to keep showing her that you and her are meant to be! You must never stop trying to prove yourself to her, because if you stop, someone else might try to whisk her away when you aren't looking!" She told me, as I took her words heavily into consideration. Just the thought of some other man whisking (y/n) away while we were apart made me sick. 

(One Piece X Reader) I WishOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora