A very unfair game

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(A/N); 146,037 words thus far, not counting this chap... dang I never expected to write so much consecutively... also, is there really such a thing as giving too much thanks? Cuz honestly, yall deserve all the thanks in the world.. every single one of you guys rock!~ Yall are the reason I keep this story trucking along like the train from Water 7!~ (only this story doesn't accidentally hurt people... and a beefed up frog...)


When dusk had dawned on us, it naturally got to an actual bearable temperature. Of course that was great, because that meant that me and Robin could finally have our volleyball game!

"Oi, I want to join!" I heard an eccentric voice chirp, as I felt like making like an ostrich, and burying my head into the sand. How could I possibly forget that this bonehead LOVED games?

"Nope, I am not trying to get a concussion today. The last time I had one, I went on a date with Marco, and thought that Ace's full name was Ace-yoi!" I pointed out, as the girls of our group, as well as the ones that didn't really care, like Chopper, Usopp, Franky, and Brook, went to chuckle hysterically at the thought, while the pineapple in question had a very cocky smirk on his face, while all the other guys turned to look at him, some faces ranging from 'really', 'you're lying', to 'I am going to bury him alive'.

"I KNEW IT! I TOLD YOU!" I heard Nami yelp, cheering at being 'correct', while I just stomped my foot. "BUT YOU'RE WRONG! LIKING SOMEONE, OR GOING ON A DATE WITH SOMEONE, IS TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!" I argued vehemently.

"I am already one step ahead of all you hooligans." Marco chuckled, as a whole argument then erupted from there, with the threat of Luffy joining this game still clearly present. "C'mon (y/n), let me play!" He whined, as I shook my head. "Nope, this is just a friendly game of volleyball between me and Robin. If I get you in on this, it'd be a disaster. Besides, then we'd have an uneven amount of players!" I pointed out, before the ones arguing with Marco then turned their attention towards me. O-oh no, they aren't seriously thinking-

"I challenge you wimps to a game of deadly volleyball! The last man standing gets (y/n)!" Kid proposed with a cocky smirk, obviously thinking he'd win this game, as I groaned in irritation. How did we even GET here, again?... Back on Earth, I was just your average college student, just trying to not get buried by all the homework I would be assigned each and every day. Everybody pretty much kept to themselves or their little circle, and it'd take hell freezing over for even one decent guy to ever so boldly ask me out, never mind even having a crush on me to begin with. At least, that's what Im thinking... One Piece people are very vocal about their feelings, after all. Who knows, maybe some cutie DOES have a crush on me, and I just don't know it.. That could just be wishful thinking on my part, though...

"Tch, you're on." Katakuri accepted, as I just gawked at him. "P-please don't tell me you're going to play along with this insanity?!" I questioned, as he went to turn to me with happy eyes. "If I win this match, then I could freely be around you without suspicion! They had their turns, now it's mine!" He chirped, as I palmed my face repeatedly at those words. Sure, sweet words, but Kid SPECIFICALLY said that this was basically going to be a death match. As you could imagine, I don't want people dying on me FOR me... that'd be messed up!

"No dying is permitted ever, so keep that in mind." I warned them, hoping my words would cut through whatever the heck this thing was, as they at least seemed in agreement at that.

"Shishishi, this sounds fun! You're on!" Luffy grinned, obviously just in it for the fun.... or WAS HE?!

Remember the two dolls earlier, me?! That end bit there was highly suspicious and out of nowhere!

"Uh, Luffy... you do know what this game is about, right?" Sanji questioned his captain, as Luffy nodded. "Yeah! It's about winning over (y/n)! She is apart of my crew, so I'd like to keep it that way!" He chuckled, as all the other captains glared at him. "NO SHE'S NOT!"

Kid then went to shake his head in annoyance. "Enough talking, let's do this already!" He frowned, before he went to pick up a poor, defenseless, volleyball. I had never felt any more terribly for an inanimate object in my life, until now.

"But how would this deadly match of yours even work? It seems to me that it's one for all." Robin pointed out, being the voice of reason in this madness, as Kid blinked at that, before going to stroke his chin, humming in thought. "You do have a point... how about we have a series of matches, one on one? Whoever is the most alive afterwards then wins!" He proposed, as I shook my head.

"No match of any kind for you powerful beyond belief guys are going to be happening." I stated firmly, before doing to do giclee robin move, which had some arms toss me the ball. "Me and Robin will be playing now, as originally intended." I smiled happily, before not even a minute later, teams had already formed.

"Let's play a team game then!" Luffy suggested, as I felt like palming my face with a palm tree this time.

"Ugh, seems there's no fighting my impending concussion..." I cried sadly, as the whole layout was different.

Luffy, Ace, Sabo, Robin, Sanji, Katakuri, Kid, and Law were going along with this insanity, with Katakuri, Kid, Law, and Sabo going to be on my team, while the rest were with Robin, who looked equally as nervous as me.

"W-wait, we have an uneven number of players!" I pointed out immediately, as Sabo went to smile apologetically to me. "I don't think you would even get a turn intentionally, (y/n), by the looks of things.... that's why I am going to be here to protect you from any further concussions!" He smiled to me, as I then went to hug this gentleman tightly. "T-thank you!" I sobbed gratefully, as Luffy then went to point out his own gripe.

"Katakuri shouldn't be playing, he's too tall!" He complained, as Katakuri then went to sit down. "Better?" He asked, as Luffy returned to being all smiles. "Yeah, that'd work!" He chirped, giving a thumbs up, as I still held the ball.

"Guess I am going to serve it, then... welp, was nice knowing you guys..." I sighed, before going to serve the ball very reluctantly.

Of course, as soon as the ball flew onto the other side, chaos then ensued. However, on a brighter note, Sabo was true to his word, since he did protect me from any of this craziness.

"EAT THIS!" Kid cackled, as he went to sucker punch the poor volleyball, which practically zoomed over to the other side in the speed of light. Ace went to punch it back with ease, which shocked me even more. This had to be the most extreme match of volleyball I had ever seen... any second I almost expected these guys to get hit in the face by the ball, but they just simply punch it back, like the ball wasn't breaking the very speed limit of a JET!

"...I am not even going to question this anymore..." I sighed to myself, as Sabo chuckled along with me. "Yeah, I am not sure if anyone is even going to score a point at this pace!" He told me.

...And, surprise surprise, right he was, because the moon was high up in the sky, and nobody had yet to score a point. About halfway in, they even went to use their devil fruit powers, which made things a wholeeee lot more terrifying.

The game ended with no victors or losers, since they broke the ball... they BROKE THE FREAKEN BALL!! This right here was why I didn't want to even deal with them when it concerned this game!

"I am going to bed... this day has been too much..." I groaned, before I went to head back to the cabana that I was staying in. Hey, sleeping aboard the ship was nice and all, but having my own little place to myself on dry land was even better.

I went to bid my good nights to everyone, before telling them I'd see them again at breakfast. Ack, I truly did love those guys, but after a few weeks, having some precious alone time is very much needed and desired.

After prepping myself for bed, I then went to sleep soundly, already wondering what tomorrow may bring.

When I awoke, I realized two things.

One, man I was starving.

and two...

I was no longer in my cabana.

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