A reunion and an introduction

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"In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines
So we sailed up to the sun
Till we found a sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine-"  

"(y/n)-ya, what are you doing?" Law questioned me, as he sat in a chair, controlling the submarine. "I am singing a song!" I chirped, before looking toward his fellow crew mates. "C'mon gang, sing along with me!" I giggled, as they happily obliged. 

"We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

And our friends are all aboard
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to play

We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine-"

"Everyone, be quiet." Law ordered, as his crew went to pout, but obey. "C'mon, Law! This is a time to be throwing a party!" I chirped to the man, who went to chuckle at me. "You're not wrong, but I need to be manning the sub and focusing on getting to the island. I can't do that with everyone singing like drunken sailors." He smirked, as I went to frown at him. "Daw, but fine, I get it. Everyone, we will continue our musical number later!" I grinned, as they nodded in agreement, as Law went to face-palm himself. "Guess the strawhats really rubbed off on you; you're as lively as them." Law pointed out with a snicker, as I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe, or I just feel very comfortable around you guys. I was no where near this lively when I was 'hanging around' Rob Lucci." I told him, as he nodded at that. "Yeah, I saw. You looked like you've seen the devil himself in him." He smiled in amusement, as I folded my arms. "Hey, he's scary! He even bruised my wrist!" I told him, going to show him the wrist where he had held onto. Since some time has passed, it was now fading away, but it still had a few hints of a light purple. 

"Well, I'll be damned. The coloration is still quite clearly present even several days after the fact. If he held any tighter, he could of sprained, or even broken your wrist." Law deducted, as I forgot for a split second that he's a doctor. "No wonder you looked so afraid of him. Why the hell did he hold on so tightly; were you resisting?" He questioned me, as I shook my head. "N-no, I wasn't! He's just a sadistic jerkwad!" I huffed, as he sighed at that. "Yeah, he is the strongest agent of CP9, so that checks out." He murmured, before smiling softly to me. "But, don't you worry. If you don't feel any pain, then your wrist should be fine." He told me, as I nodded, going to gently rub it. "Some weird seastone bomb thing also hit me in the head that same day. It hurted like hell." I frowned, as he nodded. "Yeah, I heard of the navy making some new seastone weapons to use against devil fruit users." He informed me, as he sighed. "Guess I am going to have to be extra careful when entering those grounds." He hummed, as I went to think. 

"You know, if you need a.. diversion, I can serve as one." I told him with a smile, as the fellow crew looked at me in shock. "N-no, (y/n), it's too dangerous! You have a bounty on your head for 1 trillion!" Bepo told me sternly, as I went to smile reassuringly at him. "Relax, I never bring up things I am not sure will work beneficially." I told him, as he blinked at me. "Huh.. really?" "Really really." 

"No, (y/n)-ya, it'll be fine. This will only take a few minutes." He told me, as I looked at him skeptically. "You know, you don't have to rush it. If you need more time, I can help keep the marines out of your way." I proposed to him, as he shook his head. "No, there is 2 admirals here, as well as your beloved Rob lucci and his fellow compadres. Your powers to illustrate things to life might be handy, but it'll be too much for you to handle all those experienced fighters at once." He pointed out, as I sighed, realizing now he wasn't going to take my offer. 

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