I will survive

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(A/N); Due to the amount of support that I have gained, I have been rigorously working on this chapter. I probably revised the plot and deleted it over a million times, so hopefully, this works out well. Also, I now have insomnia, but that's alright, as long as this chapter is actually good. I hope you guys enjoy!~ You guys give me strength when my own is lacking, so thank you very much for the support; it means the world to me!


(Robin's POV);

This island was surely a jewel to behold. Just by the topography alone, I can tell that this island has been through quite a lot. Some areas seemed to have been recently submerged in water, while other areas were bone dry. It was very peculiar to me...

"So, what do you think this means?" Nami asked me curiously, while I tapped the pen against my chin in thought. "I am still wondering how this could be..." I hummed, before, from my peripheral, I noticed a certain swordsman was no longer with us. I guess I was too caught up in my study of this beautiful island to have noticed it earlier.

"Oh, for the love of- where could he possibly be, now?! This island is huge!" Nami complained, just as I saw our good doctor visibly shaking all a sudden. I went to look down at him. "Is everything alright?" I asked him, as he seemed to be on the verge of tears. "I-I keep hearing something, Robin!..." He sniffled, as I went to pick him up, and stroke his head to calm him down. The poor doctor easily got spooked, so I made it my personal duty to make sure he felt safe with me. After all, he's too adorable to leave alone.

"W-What is this thing that you're hearing, Chopper? I-I don't hear a thing over this wind!" Usopp murmured, seeming to also look around warily, as I kept an eye out for anything, particularly Zoro. He had a penchant for getting lost, intriguingly enough. So far, all seemed very quiet to me. Then again, this wind could be muffling sounds. It wasn't a particularly strong one, but it was enough to cause my hair to wave in the wind.

"I-it sounds like crying... the voice seems to be saying something, but I can't quite make it out..." He murmured, going to nestle himself more into my arms as if seeking comfort, as our captain, as valiant as always, just kept moving on without a care. "If you're hearing something, then that must mean that somebody is actually here! Maybe Zoro bumped into them; let's go!" Luffy chirped brightly, before almost speeding off, if it wasn't for our navigator holding onto his cheek for dear life. "N-now, just wait a minute! We can't afford to just run off like that green-headed moron! We are all going to stick together; safety in numbers!" She told him sternly, as Luffy went to pout at her, with his cheek still outstretched. "Nami, if there are any bad guys here, I can take them on! Right, Shanks?" Luffy grinned, going to look at the older gentleman, who, before this, seemed to be deep in thought. "O-oh, right!" He chuckled softly, as Luffy went to smirk at Nami, who looked just about ready to smack him over the head.

"Now Luffy, she does have a point. We are in unknown territory, after all. What our priority should be is finding Zoro!" Ace pointed out to him, as Luffy huffed, just as Nami released his cheek. "Fine, fine, I get it! But really, guys; I got this!" He whined, as my mind was now too busy wondering how red-haired Shanks seemed to have known this place. The only clue we have of this place's name was that sign, that only showed the first letter of the island's name, which was an R...

"Don't worry about Zoro, Ace, he can handle himself! What I really want to know is- AIE!" Luffy yelped, as a blurry brown silhouette went to swing right at him from out of the forest. I went to instantly appear some arms, in an attempt to contain whatever had attacked Luffy, before I felt myself falter a bit, at seeing who it was that attacked our captain.

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