A New Problem

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After navigating through some odder than usual weather, there was this odd feeling that I couldn't quite shake off...

The feeling... that I was running out of time.

As ridiculous as it sounded, I couldn't quite shake off the feeling, and it was starting to really get to me the more time passes by.

Something... just didn't feel right... 

We haven't run into any marines recently and it has been a while since we have last seen Teach... the last part is a relief and to be expected with that bastard, but the first? I was beyond wary... if we haven't seen them in so long, then the next time we meet them is not going to be a picnic, especially with how much of a pain the admirals are to face... 

"So, do you play it like this?" Maree smiled towards Brook, before strumming her hand flat against the guitar, as Brook chuckled. "Not with your hand flat like that! The sound is all in the vibration that comes when you pluck the strings! Each string is meant to be tuned differently so you get different sounds that we call pitches! See, if you were to hold your hand like this," Brook demonstrated, before strumming the guitar. "You get a much better sound!" He instructed, as my worry lessened at the sight of the two of them. It was nice of Brook to take to basically being a mentor for Maree.

"I see! This looks much more difficult than I thought! And what about the violin?" She questioned with bright light green eyes, as Brook 'yohoho'ed'.

"I think you should learn the basics of the guitar first before I teach you how to play the violin. There is a certain way to hold the violin and the bow, which is the piece you use to play the violin! It took me a while to even get used to doing that, and don't get me started on learning how to even play on it!" He ran a hand through his 'fro, as Maree looked at him in awe. "Is that so? Then I am going to train a lot with this guitar until I got the basics down!... I-If it is okay for me to borrow your guitar," She twiddled with her thumbs, as Brook nodded. "It is more than fine! Having you in our group is a delight! I feel like I have a musical friend!~" He clapped, as Maree smiled brightly at that, as I awed at the sight. Brook had his tender moments, and with Maree, you could really tell he was like a big brother to her.

"(Y/n), are you ready to start training?" I heard Zoro ask me, as I turned to him and nodded. Perhaps some training could also help me relax. I had nothing to worry about as long as I had my friends with me.

"Think fast!" I heard Sabo warn me, as I nimbly dodged a swing from his pipe, before going to attempt to sweep him off his feet with a swipe from my leg, though he dodged it before going to take another swing at me, which made me react by flipping backward away from him.

It was at that moment that I saw Zoro go to charge at me, which made me jump away on instinct onto the railing of the stairs. These two were fast and crazy strong, so I had to always be on my toes, just like if I was facing an opponent. 

"Could you three train in the crow's nest?... I don't feel well enough as it is..." Nami told us with a groan, a hand to her head, as I instantly went to jump off the railing while Chopper ran next to her. "I can make you some medicine to make you feel better, just after I give you a check-up!" He informed her with a serious face that couldn't be taken seriously with how cute he is, as Nami shook her head. "No, this is not something that needs medicine... I just... feel like something horribly wrong is going to happen... perhaps we are about to enter another patch of rough weather..." She murmured, as my anxiety went to spike at hearing that. Even Nami was feeling it... this isn't good.

"Well, the occasional rough weather is normal around these parts... s-so what could it be?..." Usopp gritted his teeth, as Robin placed down the book she was reading. "Perhaps we are going to run into some marines, or perhaps even Blackbeard..." She suggested as he and Chopper freaked out at her suggestion. 

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