We hit a wall

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(A/N); Light hearted covers to offset the sad words


Of course, this was bound to happen. It wasn't a matter of if, but a matter of when. After all, everybody thought that he was dead for years now, and with the kind of wound that he received, it would cause an uproar. However, the timing couldn't of been more rotten, what with the marines already on our tailcoats because of this stupid pixie business that Mary started so that she could use me as her scapegoat so she can get away with all her crazy crimes. However, now knowing that her actual decent sisters are also now in the mix, makes things way more complicated. I mean, Maree DID save me from Lucci, which was awesome, and Marie saved Ace and Rosinante just because she saw how their loss greatly affected some of our friends. Those two actually seem like a member of the elusive nice celestial dragons club, but Mary... she was among the worst. After all, she was the one responsible for taking their lives to begin with. It was especially depressing when Marie told me about how she and Maree had the chance to live, despite their parents' evil schemes, but they couldn't because of that demon... Mary was going to get her comeuppance, sooner or later, but in doing so, it'd be like killing those two a second time... 

But if the situation with her wasn't enough, now we got the situation with Ace to deal with. I like how they all want him dead just because of who his dad is... as if Ace was able to choose who his father was. If I sound pissed, it is because I am! All this nonsense that was going on because some evil folks wanna do evil things... it was honestly getting old. 

"Guys, should we even tell Ace about this stuff?" I asked the group as we all ran towards the hill where the others were situated, as everyone fell silent at that. "I-I mean, really! Do we honestly want to tell Ace about this? I think the poor guy has been through enough shit as it is; why should we add to the pile?" I questioned, as Kid went to let out a sigh. "You're too soft, (y/n)..." He murmured, as Katakuri went to glare at him. "What did you say to her?..." He growled lowly, as Kid glared back. "You heard me; she is too soft! The pirate business is not always about drinking all the booze with your companions until you pass out, even though those were the best of days..." He chuckled lowly, as we all continued to run along. 

"Unfortunately for Ace, he has to deal with the shit on being the pirate king's son. That's the life he was born into, and it's the life he is going to have to deal with, no matter what. No amount of alcohol, girls, games, voyaging, or pillaging is going to help him escape that reality." Kid pointed out, as everyone, including me, fell silent, though Sabo was seething. 

"I don't give a damn if he IS the pirate king's son! Ace is more than just some son of the pirate king! He is my brother that I have spent my childhood with, the rude and obnoxious child, who then went to Makino to learn some manners so he could thank red-haired Shanks for saving Luffy when he was younger! He is a trooper, always helping out those he cares about in a pinch, among the most loyalest people you will ever meet, and a talented fighter! That is who my brother Portgas D. Ace is, you hear me?!" He yelled, his body going to visibly shake in anger, as we all couldn't help but come to a stop at his outburst. 

"Sabo..." I murmured, wanting to comfort him, as Kid simply folded his arms. "That's the Ace you know, but the Ace that the rest of the world knows is simply a pirate among Whitebeard's crew, and the son of Gol D. Roger. Whether you like it or not, you cannot dispute that fact." He frowned seriously at him, as Sabo continued to clench his teeth in anger. 

"Both you and (y/n)... you both are way too soft for your own good. Maybe in a perfect world, where there is no problems of any kind, and everybody has their mothers and fathers in their lives, and everybody has some place to call home... then that kind of mentality would fit. However, we do not live in such a idealistic world like that. Some of us never even get to meet our parents, some of us were born into being the dregs of society, to having to resort to a life of crime to survive, to being seen as less than scum for basically existing... that's the cruel world that we live in. You can try all you want to change it, but there is only so much someone could do to change it... the best thing you can do is just try and mold your life to be how you want it; it's useless trying to be apart of some revolution to try and change the world's ways." Kid shrugged, as Sabo went to strike at him, but was ultimately stopped by some of our group members. "Do not start something now; we need to keep going." Hawkins informed Sabo, who kept glaring at Kid. "The revolution is NOT useless!" He hissed, as Kid went to tilt his head. "Oh, really? Then tell me, little revolutionaire... what if your side DOES win? Then what? The world would then be all fine and dandy?" He chuckled heartily, which just pissed off Sabo even more. "SHUT UP!" He growled, as Kid shook his head. "Of course not, what childish thinking! Just give it a few more years, and some other threat would come around and disrupt the peace once again; that's just how human nature is." He snickered, as Drake went to glare at the redhead. "Correction, that is how EVIL humans work. Don't speak on a matter you haven't personally dealt with." He told him lowly, as Kid simply sighed. "Oh, don't pull that hero crap on me, Drake! You know I am right!" "CAN YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP!?" 

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