How and why?

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(A/N); Have some cuteness before stuff hits the fan


"T-that is impossible! Y-you must not be telling me some fantastical lie, or I will demote you!" Sengoku threatened Kizaru, who for once, looked dead serious. "I would never lie about this sort of thing. We have photographical evidence that proves what I said is the truth." He told him, before going to show him a bunch of photos of certain individuals. "We also managed to capture a photo of the pixie, but not quite capture her herself. She really is as strong as the rumors say she is; she was able to replicate Kuzan's move with her bizarre devil fruit." He chuckled sourly, going to show a photo of (y/n), at the very moment she was creating that tsunami to help get her friends away from them. 

"Bizarre devil fruit, you say?... It seems to me she has some sort of water based devil fruit, which is odd..." He pointed out, as Kizaru shook his head. "Not water based... ink based. She is able to create anything she desires with her ink-ink devil fruit." He informed him, as Sengoku went to stroke his braided beard in thought. "I-I see... if she could create anything at all with that power, then she MUST of created this thing that you're showing me!" He barked, going to slam his finger at one photo in question, a photo that showed Portgas D. Ace in battle with the others. 

"I don't think so. Despite the potential for her powers to be very dangerous, she still seems to be a novice at handling them. She was only able to perform Kuzan's move for but a few seconds, and that final tsunami move had knocked her out unconscious." He folded his arms, as Sengoku went to shake his head. "B-but it's just impossible!! He shouldn't be still alive after all these years! Don't you remember the injury that he had sustained that day?! He had a huge, gaping hole in his torso, one that not even stitches could repair! It would have to take some magic to have him looking like he was never hurt to begin with!" He hissed out, as Kizaru went to sigh. "Perhaps the pixie has something to do with it. After all, she is aligned with the strawhats, and their captain seems to be close with Portgas D. Ace." He thought, as Sengoku went to readjust his glasses, even going to clean them to make sure that his eyes weren't deceiving him. 

"T-that would make sense, but we didn't even get a word of her existence until recently! This is an insane situation..." He thought with a shake of his head, before he then went to sigh deeply. "I will need to tell the 5 elders about this... this is very serious..." He murmured, before Kizaru went to turn his heel away. "Use the pictures I have provided you however you wish. I am going to continue to be on the tail of the strawhats, since I am guessing that's what you are going to tell me next to do, anyways." He hummed, as Sengoku went to nod. "Y-yes, don't leave them out of your sight!" He then went to reach towards a transponder snail, that continued to all facilities. 


While everybody was shocked to hear that, one person in particular was about to explode like an active volcano. "Portgas D. Ace... is still alive?..." He growled, beyond pissed off to hear that news. 

As the group was running through a thick forest, something started ringing. "I-is that you, Sabo?" Nami questioned as she ran as fast as her legs would allow her to, as Sabo shook his head. "N-no, that's not mine!" The group then went to turn their attention towards Kid, who seemed to be answering a call. "You sure do have shit timing, Killer! What is it?" He asked him, before the snail in his hands panicked. "We received another transmission, Kid! And this one was just as bad as the last one!" Everyone went to collectively pale at that. "What could possibly be just as bad as the last transmission?" He questioned, as the snail continued to panic. "Ace... the world government now knows that he is alive... a-and they were all tasked to murder him for good this time without any mercy! They also believed that he and (y-y/n) have something going on as well, which just makes things a whole lot more messier for us! If they weren't crazy on capturing her before, they sure are crazy about capturing her now! They are trying to be quick about it, too, because they fear that in the off chance that she and Ace are intimate, that the bloodline of the Gol family may continue!!" Killer told them in a panic, as Sabo's eyes went to look in horror. "T-there's no way in hell they are going to hurt Ace again... not if I can help it!" He hissed, as everybody else was just stunned at this news. "W-well, would you look at that! Our lives are now even deeper in the shitter!" Kid chuckled bitterly, before turning back to the snail. "Killer, keep an eye out on any future movements from those assholes. If we know their movements ahead of time, we can always be a step ahead." He told him, as the snail went to nod, before the call was hung up. 

"Pretty redheaded lady, you said this island was unknown, right?" Kid questioned Nami, as she went to blink, and nod. "Yes, it is!" She informed him, as he smirked at that. "Good, so we should have enough time to see whatever the hell is going on with strawhat and the others on that hill, then get the hell out of here! Knowing those marine bastards, it will only be a matter of time  until they find this island, based on when they encountered us last." Kid pointed out, as the group continued to run. "Marco went ahead of us, so he should be able to do something about Usopp and the other guy's injuries. When we get there, we should grab them all, stock up on what we can, then jet." Zoro told the group, as everyone nodded in agreement. 

"Agreed. Now that they are aware that Ace is alive, and is allied with (y/n), I wouldn't be surprised if we had to deal with all the admirals and their fellow battle ships at once." Robin pointed out, as everyone was grim at that thought. "It doesn't really matter, in the grand scheme of things. We are all wanted by them either way; we're all pirates." Katakuri stated seriously to everyone. "Besides, we are a coalition, aren't we? We are not going to let them rattle us, and possibly get (y/n) again. We will just have to deal with it when it comes, and when it does come, we will have to be prepared." 

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