Like old times

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(A/N); Just a fair warning, I will be very busy this summer doing a whole lot of things, so if updates aren't as frequent as they were in april-early june, it's because of that. I will try my best however to keep the update sprees up as much as I can, because I know a lot of yall really like this story, and it's my pleasure to provide yall with chapters back to back for all of yall's amusement. So without further ado, the story!~  


Someone's in trouble here. 

I can tell by Luffy's face of utter horror, that he knew this too. 

"You really are quite the traveler, aren't you? You kids can never catch a break!" The man chuckled deeply, as Luffy's horror just increased ten-fold. 

"Aren't you going to acknowledge your other friends too, you little brat?" The man questioned Luffy, before giving him a nasty punch to the noggin. 

For once, it wasn't me who was in trouble. 

"OOWWWWW!" He cried, going to hold his head tightly in pain, as I couldn't be more relieved to hear a friendly voice for once. Well, friendly to me; I am not so sure about Luffy. 

"And you two, why are you standing there like you're made of stone? Come over here!" Garp barked towards Ace and Sabo, who was frozen in their place, having the same look as Luffy. I couldn't help but snicker, as did some of our group, while others simply looked confused. 

To my ultra relief, it seemed liked nobody in the restaurant was going to cause us trouble. I think I could rest easy, if for a little bit. 

"By the way, none of your costumes are believable at all. I can spot any of you from a mile away." The old man huffed, before folding his arms. "But I guess that comes with the territory of how unique each one of you looks." He scratched his temple, before glaring at Sabo and Ace, who were still frozen. "Don't make me repeat myself! Come over here, you no-good hooligans!" He barked, before simply zooming to them, and going to hug the souls out of them. I could even see how freaked out Marco and Chopper looked at how blue they suddenly turned. 

"Don't you know how much I worry about you three? You all had promising futures ahead of you, and now look at you all, apart of some crazy coalition with other big named pirates!" He then glared towards everybody else, who instinctively flinched in unison, which really tickled my funny bone. 

"As for all of you, you should be ashamed of yourselves!" He scolded, before pointing towards me and Chopper. "You even got these poor souls involved in your evil schemes! For shame! How can you even include a pet into this?!" He questioned, as Chopper frowned deeply. "I am not a pet!" He argued, before quickly piping down at how scary Garp looked. I don't think he was trying to scare the poor guy on purpose; Garp is just one crazy ol' man.  

"I don't think you know who you're talking to, old man!" Kid growled, as ASL quickly tried to warn him to shut up, but it was too late, cuz he too, like Luffy, was now holding his head in agony. "You need to respect your elders, young man. Keep up this delinquency, and you're going to die young, m'boy." He informed him, before looking at the rest of the group again. "And the same goes for the rest of you. You may think that you're immortal because you're young, but it takes just one second for your life to be gone in an instant." He then looked seriously at Ace. "You know this more than anybody, boy... you almost lost your life..." He told him gravely, as Ace nodded grimly. "I... understand..." Garp then shook his head. "No, I don't think you do understand! If you did, you'd never be in this situation in the first place!" He told him sternly, as I went to sigh. What was at first funny quickly escalated to something serious. However, who could blame him? If it wasn't for my appearance here, Ace really WOULD be dead! 

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