A conflict of interest

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(A/N); Annnd we back to our regular programming 


I woke up with a pounding headache, not knowing how I exactly got that. "Ugghhh... my head..." I moaned out, going to hold my head, as I went to get up from my bed, only to see a certain giant casually lounging on the floor. "Ah, you're awake now. Good morning, (y/n)." He greeted to me, before handing me some medicine and a cup of water. "This should help your headache." He informed me, as I nodded, thanking him, as I took it with ease. 

"Katakuri... know what happened to me yesterday?.." I questioned him as I continued to hold my head, as he nodded slowly to me. "Yes, the strawhats were throwing a party, and you accidentally drank too much sake. That blonde girl mixed up the ingredients." He explained to me, as I simply groaned in response. "Even if she's in this... 'nice' state... she's still a pain in my neck!" I mumbled out, as he went to gently rub my head, as if to help ease the horrid headache I was dealing with. 

"Maybe some food will make you feel better?" He tilted his head to me, as I nodded. "Yeah, it certainly would..." I sighed, as he went to gently pick me up, and let me be able to rest in his arms, which actually felt quite good, if I was being honest with myself. 

"(Y/n)-swwaannn! Good morning!~" Sanji greeted me, as chirpy as ever, as I went to wave softly to him. "What's on the menu?" I asked politely, as he continued to swoon over me. "Anything you'd like!~" He chirped, as I noticed Robin go to wave to me. "Good morning, (y/n). How are you feeling today?" She asked me politely, as I hung my head. "My head hurts, and I don't remember anything that I did yesterday..." I complained, as she seemed to have expected that. "Yes, yesterday's party did get quite... interesting..." She smiled, as our fellow tatted doc then showed up in the kitchen. "Morning, Law." I told him, as he went to almost trip over himself, his cheeks going to burn a vibrant red, for some reason. "G-good morning to you too, (y/n)-ya.." He greeted, before going to get a drink, and hightail out of the kitchen, which made me raise my brows. 

"Hey Robin, what is up with Law?" I questioned her, as she seemed to be holding a few giggles back. "Oh, nothing... he's just being as eccentric as usual." She chuckled, as something told me she wasn't telling me the truth. 'What the heck had happened yesterday?...'  I questioned internally, as I then heard some commotion going on outside. "Uh, anything you prep me is fine, Sanji. Er, Katakuri, do you mind?" I asked him, as he shook his head. "Not at all." He told me, before we headed back outside. 

"What do you mean you're leaving now?! Our group wouldn't be the same without you, Maree! The peace coalition was your idea!" Luffy whined, as the blonde seemed to be in the verge of tears, her petite frame trembling, as she bowed to him. "I-I am sorry, but I must go... I know what it is I heard, and if I stay here any longer, my sister will hurt you guys, and I won't allow that... You guys are my friends, and I want you guys to continue the coalition strong without me... this is where we say goodbye, perhaps maybe even for good. Mary usually never lets me present for this long." She teared up, before she went to face Drake, who was looking sternly at her, his frown set in a deep line. "Drake..." She then ran towards him, going to give him a tight hug. "It was nice seeing you again... I thought I never would of got the chance..." She chuckled softly, despite how sad her voice sounded. 

She then went to let go of him, before waving towards the rest of the group. "You guys were amazing; I had such a fun time hanging out with you all. I just... wish I had enough time to tell mother and father to stop enslaving the people of this land." She then turned her head to Drake, with the most broken face I've ever seen. 

"Im... sorry I wasn't able to keep my promise, Drake... I hope one day you will find some room in your heart to forgive me..." She muttered, before quickly dashing off the ship, to what looked like into the sea. "Wait, Maree!!" Luffy shouted, going to stretch out a hand towards her, but she already fell. 

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