The return of sniper king?!

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(Zoro's POV) 

'Where the hell am I?...' 

I was currently wandering around a field, that had all these targets set up as if somebody was here using them for target practice. There even was a bunch of bullets wedged into the targets, though they were not even close to the middle. 

'Whoever is practicing here really has poor aim; are they blind or something?...' I hummed, before noticing from the corner of my eye a bullet fly way past me, that got me on my guard, my swords already in hand. "WHO THE HELL DID THAT?!" 

"G-go away, filthy pirate, or I will shoot you in the h-head! *sniffle*..." I heard the voice of a young boy speak, as I turned my head to the sound, to see a boy looking to be about 12 standing in the wide open, with a pistol in hand. Despite his tough words, he was trembling in fear, and his eyes and nose were more runny than a water fall. 

"Now, now, no need for threats like that, I am not going to hurt you, kid." I told him, before sheathing my swords, as he continued to look at me warily. "Y-you are not welcome here! We have been living at peace here for s-so long, and we a-are not going to allow some pirates to ruin that!" He cried, as I went to put my hands up. "I give you my word, I am not going to hurt you. Actually, I am here on the search of some friends of mine who got lost here... They're pretty hard to miss, what with one being more louder than a siren, and the other tagging along with him like a dog on a leash." I chuckled at imagining that scene, as the kid went to then put his gun down, though he still seemed a bit wary about me. 

"A-are you sure?..." He asked, as I nodded. "Positive. I never make any promise I know I can't keep." I told him, as he then went to put the pistol away. "W-well, I didn't see anyone that was like that, so far... usually everyone is pretty quiet here on Sniper island. After all, it would be pretty stupid if our snipers were loud all the time while on the hunt, heh heh." He chuckled, as I went to gasp in shock. "Y-you're joking! T-that can't be true!" I gawked, as the boy went to look at me, clearly confused. "What can't be true?" He asked, as I shook my head. "D-did you just say... that this island is called SNIPER ISLAND?!" I questioned in disbelief, as the boy went to nod at me. "Yeah, this is sniper island; the land of the snipers! We're like the swordsmen of Wano, but way more cooler." He giggled, as I fell back in shock, which troubled him. "A-are you okay, pirate guy?!" 

"I-I can't believe that idiot... sniper island actually does exist... b-but how?!..." I murmured to myself, still not believing it. "What idiot? Why are you so surprised? Haven't you heard of our great sniper king?" He questioned me, as I just shook my head, not believing this madness. "T-there is no way you guys know who Usopp is! There is no way that sniper island is real! My mind has to be playing tricks on me!... You're lying to me!" I pointed to him, as he glared at me, stomping his foot. "N-no im not! Ask anyone around, they'll tell you the same thing! And who is this 'Usopp' guy?" He questioned, as I just went to sigh, holding my head; things were just getting more and more complicated. "W-what the hell is going on?..." 

(Ace's POV)

"Oi Sabo, found any leads to Luffy's and (y/n)'s whereabouts?" I spoke into the transponder snail, as the snail in my hands shook it's head. "No, not yet. Have you?" "Nope, no leads yet. However, knowing our brother, he must be in some place that sells food, or causing mayhem. If you hear or see no mayhem, he must be eating somewhere." I chuckled, as the snail sighed in response. "Yeah, you do have a point... but this island is huge, I do not know where to even begin! And with the locals freaked out over that stunt that Kid pulled earlier, the place is completely empty; it's like they all disappeared!" He told me, as I went to take a look at my surroundings. "Yeah, the same seems to be the case for me. Maybe they are in another side of town?" I suggested, as Sabo hummed. "Probably, but we do not need to freak them out even more." He pointed out, as I smirked. "Yeah, but with the crowd we're around, I am not sure if that's even possible!" I chuckled, before finding a nearby restaurant. "Ok, I am going to continue the search; I'll let you know if anything pops up." I informed Sabo, as the snail nodded again. "Ok Ace, talk to you later!" Caa-liick. 'Now to find the beauty and the beast.' 

(One Piece X Reader) I WishOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora