Here we go again...

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"Oi, what is taking (y/n) so long?" Luffy complained, already clearing the table alongside Ace. "Do we really want to know? Maybe she is just relaxing in the bath?" Ace shrugged, as Luffy pouted. "But she said she would be quick! Did she lie to us?" He frowned, before getting up from his seat, and going to leave the kitchen.

"Oi, Sabo, what is taking (y/n) so long?" Luffy asked the blond, who went to give an awkward chuckle in response. "I don't know, but I am not going to rush her!" He informed him, as the impatient young lad went to frown more in response, before going to knock on the door. "Oi, (y/n)! Hurry up!" He yelled, as Sabo went to give him a disapproving look. "Luffy, have some courtesy!" He scolded, as Luffy simply went to then turn the door handle to the bathroom, which made Sabo turn practically into a ghost.

"(y/n)!" Luffy repeated again, before huffing at realizing... the bathroom was completely empty. "Huh? She isn't in here!" He pointed out, as Sabo went to frown at that realization, feeling uneasy, as they went to check her bedroom next. It also was empty, but her journal for some reason was wide open, with a bit of ink splatter from the pen, from when it was last used.

"It looked like she wrote something down for us..." Luffy concluded, before going to check out what was written, alongside Sabo, who felt his gut churn at soon realizing his intuition was correct.

"She was taken!" Sabo concluded, as Luffy went to slam his head against the desk. "Not again... When are these jerks going to stop trying to take away (y/n)? It's already official; she's apart of my crew! Why can't these morons get it..." He whined, as another voice piped up. "Heh, look whose talking." The voice chuckled, as Luffy went to frown at the source. "Shut up, Ace."

"By the way, Law is on board now." Ace informed his little brother, as Luffy went to perk up at that. "He is? Maybe he knows who did this to (y/n)!" He chirped, as he left the room, as his brothers sighed, while Sabo just went to hold his face in defeat. "It literally says who did it on the page..."

"Oi, Tra-guy! What's up?" Luffy asked the tall male, who was holding onto a chain that connected to a quite pissed off blonde, who was securely tied up, with a seastone lock for extra security. "Look what the old cat dragged in; the girl who caused such a fuss earlier at Yuina." He smirked, as the blonde went to simply glare at him. "That wasn't me! That was my sister, Mary! I am Maree, MAR-EE!" She complained, as Luffy went to crouch down, since she was forced to sit down on the floor. "Ah, so your name is Maree, huh?" It then clicked in a second later. "Wait a minute, you're the jerk who took (y/n)! What did you do to her, you bastard!" He growled, as the blonde went to glare at him. "Can't you read, you dunce? I sent her with Drake!" She stuck her tongue out at him, which resulted in him doing the same. "Bring her back, now!" "I can't do that, you fool! I only was able to send her there!" "Stop." Law ordered, going to clunk them both on their heads, which caused them to cease their childish bickering at once.

"Owww, that really hurt! H-how dare you hurt me, y-you meanie! J-just wait until I tell mother and father about this!" She complained, before bursting out into tears, as Luffy went to look seriously at Law, which made the male understandably uncomfortable. "Hey, you took it a bit too far! Apologize to her!" He told him, as Law went to grit his teeth. "You idiot, she's a threat! Besides, it was the only way to get you two to shut up!"

At the shrill sound of crying, the whole crew went to exit the kitchen, going to look in surprise at realizing that a certain blonde that gave them such a bad time was responsible for it.

"Hey, you're the girl on Kid's crew! What are you doing here?!" Nami questioned, as the blonde didn't went to answer, going to simply continue to cry like a baby, as everyone went to sweat nervously at this, not knowing what to do. "Maybe some music can calm her down." Brook suggested, as the girl went to stop crying in an instant at the mention of music, a big smile now on her face. "Oh, I would love that! It's been so long since I heard music!" She chirped, her light green eyes shining enthusiastically, as the whole crew scratched their head at her strange behavior, before Robin stepped in with shocked eyes. "I can't believe it... it's the youngest sister of the Crimson family; Crimson Maree." She murmured in surprise, as the blonde went to instantly stop smiling at that. "Do I need to scream it to the whole world until I turn blue in the face? It's Mar-ee! Just Maree!" She growled, as Robin took a step back at this unexpected outburst. "My apologies, but isn't Crimson Maree your full name?.." She questioned, as the blonde went to blink at that. "..."


"I don't know, is it?..." She murmured quietly to herself, as everyone crashed to the floor.

"How old are you?" Zoro asked in a snarky manner, as Maree went to look seriously at him. "I am 6." She replied, as Sanji went to stand there, holding his head in confusion. "6... but looks like a full grown woman... what the hell..." He mumbled to himself, scratching his head, as Robin went to let out a soft chuckle in response. "Do you guys forget the story so soon? Maree here is a triplet. When... circumstances occurred, she was the same age as Mary, naturally." She informed everyone, as they all went 'ohhh' at recalling that detail. "It seems to me that we have a similar situation with what happened at Thriller bark. It seems in some way, Maree's spirit lives on in some way in Mary's body." She deduced, as Nami hummed at that. "It does seem like that... but I wonder how this whole thing works? I mean, her eyes even changed color! Mary's eyes are a light blue, and Maree's are a light green!" She pointed out, as Maree went to join in. "And Marie's eyes are a pretty reddish pink!" She added, as the girls went to nod slowly at that. "Right... is your sister Marie hanging around somewhere in there, too?" Nami questioned softly, as if she was talking to a little girl, since in essence, she was. "Yup! She gets her turn sometimes too, but usually it's when Mary gets super serious, and really wants to hurt someone!" She chirped, as the females sighed at that. "Right..."

Brook then went to start strumming on his guitar, which completed captured Maree's attention, as he went to sing a song. It seemed the song was familiar to the blonde, because she went to sing along with him too, as everyone, especially Brook, looked shocked to hear such a voice. "The book really did no justice to describe how beautiful her singing is..." She noted, as Brook continued to play and sing along with Maree, who looked quite joyful to be strung along.

"Hey, Katakuri isn't here anymore..." Sabo pointed out, since it wasn't hard at all to miss the giant's presence from the deck. "Maybe he went to call it a night?" Usopp suggested, as Sabo went to give a nervous laughter. "I don't know about that. He seemed quite... clingy to (y/n)." He pointed out, as Luffy simply shrugged it off. "Eh, he'll be fine!" He grinned brightly, as Maree went to look at Sabo. "Oh, do you mean the scary tall guy? I sent him to a Chat-oh!" She pronounced incorrectly, as everyone sighed at that, except Luffy. "I told you guys, he'll be fine! He is really tough, he can handle himself!" He told them, as he then looked back at Law. "Why don't you let the little girl free, huh?" He questioned, as Law glared at him. "Again, she's a threat! Yes, she might be Maree now, but at any moment, she could turn back to Mary, and then we are all screwed!" He pointed out, as Luffy went to look back at her again. "If Tra-guy lets you go, do you promise to behave and not turn back to Mary?" He questioned her, as she bit her lip sadly. "I don't know if I could keep that promise, strawhat guy, so I am going to have to say no..." She sighed, as Law pointed to her. "See? Even SHE agrees it's a bad idea!" He told the strawhat-donning male, who went to fold his arms. "How about this, Maree. You do not turn back into Mary... until we get (y/n) back, and you're back with Kid! Can you do that?" He questioned her, to in which she smiled. "Yeah, I could do that!" She chirped, as Law smacked Luffy's head. "There's no way in hell I am going to let her go! She's. A. Threat. I know you're made out of rubber, but damn!" He growled, as Luffy glared at him. "Are you really going against your captain's orders?" "...You know what? It's your funeral." He murmured, before undoing the chains around her, as she went to instantly stretch her body, before going to frown, at realizing what she was wearing.

"Ew, these clothes are gross! I want cute clothes!" She whined, as Nami went to simply lead the childish blonde away.

"But, I am taking a souvenir with me. Unlike you, I use my brain." Law retorted to Luffy, as he went to go back to his sub, before it went to submerge under the water again.


Drake went to inwardly shiver at feeling a particular strong breeze brush past him, as he leaned his arm against the railing of the ship. "Cold fronts where they're not suppose to be.. the pixie sleeping in my bedroom with a cold... what's next on the bucket list?..." He asked himself with a slight amused smile, as the ship continued to calmly sail through.

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