Mission ridiculous

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As per my genius idea, I went to use my ink powers to make our ships look like the other marine ships, so that we didn't stand out like sore thumbs. After all, ships that contained flags with skull and bones on them, as well as have a sun lion thing at the helm of one of the ships, does indeed tend to stick out and make fellow watchers on duty play a good ol' game of "one of these things are not like the others", and I rather not add to the stress we already have, particularly for ME. 

"OW! WHO THE HELL WOULD EVEN BE ABUSING DOLL ME?!" I questioned, as I felt yet another painful nip on my neck, as well as what felt like the sensation of sandpaper on it, which wasn't pleasant at all. "Maybe somebody really has it out for you?" Luffy suggested, with everybody going to look at me worriedly. "Or maybe there's some sadist among the ranks that gets off on hurting the doll?" Kid suggested next, as Marco went to hand me a much needed ice pack. "E-ew, don't even suggest that!"I shuddered, as I thanked Marco, and placed the ice pack on my neck. 

"Whoever the bastard is that is causing (y/n)-swan such distress will get it if I find them..." Sanji growled, as Nami seemed to be making notes on some map of some sort, going to eye the island with a frown. "This base is huge! Who knows when we will be able to find the one that is causing (y/n) such pain!" She noted, as I sighed depressingly. "Don't say that, Nami... I want this stupid thing to be over and done wi- OW OW OW!" I screeched, going to hold onto one of my ears in agony, it feeling like a bunch of pins was going into it. "T-that is it, I can't take it anymore!! I need to find whoever this asshole is that is doing this to me, and teach them a lesson!!" I hissed out, about going to jump off the ship to the base, before I was stopped by my fellow peeps. 

"Hold on, (y/n), we can't just charge in there without a plan!" Robin told me, as I went to sniff a bit. "B-but this j-just hurts..." I whined, as Nami continued to inspect the building. "Okay... by the looks of it, I'd guess the base has 10 floors..." She hummed, going to tap her chin with a quill pen, as Drake shook his head. "It actually has 8 floors." He corrected her, as he seemed to be fishing for something. "You know this place?" She questioned, as he nodded, before going to fish out a old map. "This is the layout of the base." He told everyone, as we all gathered around to look at it. "There is a lot of information on this, so (y/n), do you think you can use your powers to make replicas of it for everyone?" He asked me, as I nodded, before I felt that sensation of sandpaper rubbing against me again, but this time on my cheek. 'Does a cat have my doll, or what?' I pouted, before going to make replicas of the map, so that everyone, including, and especially including, direction challenged Zoro, had one. 

"I recognized one of the ships that are docked here belonging to admiral Akainu, so everyone, it is especially crucial that we be stealthy during this mission." Drake warned everybody seriously, as we all nodded gravely at that, as Chopper went to turn to Hawkins. "H-hey, what is the chance of us all getting out of here safe and sound?.." He asked softly, as Hawkins, with his ever stoic face, didn't even spare him a glance. "45%." I winced at those odds, as did everybody else, as the sandpaper sensation on my cheek turned even more painful. 'S-stop it, for the love of!-' 

"We are just wasting time standing here. We have to find that doll and those blueprints!" Luffy pointed out to us all, as I noticed Usopp seeming to be toying with a new, but yet fairly familiar weapon. 

"Like Robin said, we need a plan first!" Nami told him with a sigh, as Drake went to direct our attention towards what looked like some sort of shed, that was pretty close by to us. "That area contains all sorts of uniforms for marine officers. We should head there first, before anything!" He told us, as we all nodded in agreement, before he went to also address another point. "A-also, no offense, Katakuri, but I think it'd be best if you watched the ships alongside the others. Your height... will really make you stand out." He pointed out, trying to be as polite about it as possible, as Katakuri simply folded his arms. "I understand. After all, with an admiral here, I really wouldn't want to jeopardize this mission for (y/n)." He sighed, as I smiled at that; ever so the thoughtful one. 

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