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At just those simple words, my entire body just went completely frozen. After all, I didn't expect to hear them at all

"Y-you... love me?..." I asked softly, not believing his words. He went to nod at me to confirm, however, that he did indeed say those words. 

"You treated me so kindly when we were together; how could I not?" He questioned me, before going to peck my nose again, as I just felt my body turn into jello. After all, how could I respond to such a strong statement? I mean, don't get me wrong, he was a very nice dude, but, we hardly knew each other!... W-well, at least on a personal level, anyways; watching the show doesn't count! 

"You even complimented my teeth, something that usually scares people off.... You're the perfect one for me!" He announced with gleaming eyes, as I went to try and register this in my mind. Was this really happening? Was Charlotte Katakuri, out of all people, really professing his love to me, out of all people? 

'I swear, the longer I stay in this world, the weirder it gets!' I thought, before going to look directly back at Katakuri's eyes, which were practically sparkling like stars, as he looked right back at me. 

(Katakuri's POV) 

"Aw, Katakuri, my sweet! I am flattered that you would choose me! Tee hee, I love you so much!"  

"Hee hee, I love you so much, too!~" I chuckled, before going to kiss her sweet little cheek. She looked more cuter than a heart shaped donut! 

I already had it planned in my head, what I wanted to do when I got back to the Chateau. First, I want to introduce (y/n) to mama, and then, I am going to ask mama if I can marry her. Then, we're going to get married, and then-

"Katakuri, are you okay? You look like you're kind of zoning out..." I heard (y/n) say to me, as I snapped out of my daydreams. 

"Yeah, I am fine. You don't ever have to worry about me, I will always be fine." I told her confidently, as I went to gently stroke her cheek, which in turn made it turn pink, as I internally giggled. 

'Why do I feel so giddy all of a sudden? Why does this feeling feel even better than having my merienda? Oh no, I am starting to act just like mama...' I thought with a sigh, before focusing my attention to the cutie in front of me. 

"I want to introduce you to mama, (y/n). I have a feeling she is really going to like you." I told her with a smile, as she blinked in surprise at that. 

Not so long after, she then went to be all smiles, going to clasp her hands cutely together. 

"Aw, you really think so? Well, I hope she does like me! After all, I can not see myself living a life without you, Kata-kun!" 

"Hee hee, the feeling is mutual, my dearest (y/n)!" 

"Katakuri, you're doing that thing again." 

"What thing?" 

"Ohhh.. forget it..."(y/n) sighed, before seeming to recall something. 

"A-anyways, can you take this collar off me?" She asked me, as I went to internally slap myself at forgetting so soon to get that infernal collar off of her sweet neck. "Of course! Here," I murmured, going to get the key from my pocket, and go to unlock the collar, which caused it to fall to the floor with a loud 'clang'.  I went to look at the collar in distaste, since it served as a reminder to what I had to witness when Brulee was helping me track down (y/n)'s location. 

"Mwa ha ha, I am going to eat you up, little (y/n)! You belong to me now, so forget Katakuri!" Kid cackled maniacally, as (y/n) went to struggle against him. "N-no, get your hands off of me! Kata-kun, save me!" 

(One Piece X Reader) I WishOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant