The peace coalition

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It had took some time for what Robin had just concluded to sink into Luffy's head, but when it did... oh boy was he furious. "So, the pigeon guy took (y/n)?..." He questioned Robin seriously, as she nodded. "Yes, that seems to be the case. After all, you are holding onto his pigeon, right now." She pointed out, as the pigeon went to sweat nervously at Luffy's dark look. "I see..." He then turned to Maree. "If we sail around the sea, would you be able to detect (y/n) that way?" He asked her, as she nodded. "Y-yeah, I could be able to do that..." She answered, as Drake went to look at him in disbelief. "Did you forget what I said earlier, strawhat? That could take forever!" "I don't care!" He yelled out to him, which stunned the ginger into silence. 

"(y/n) is apart of my crew, and no matter what, I will find her! That pigeon guy tried taking Robin away from me, and I was far too close to losing her..." He gritted his teeth, as his crew fell silent at that. "A-and then with what h-happened with Ace... and S-sanji..." He muttered with a shaky breath, going to clench his fists tightly, which made the pigeon pass out in his hands, as he glared at Drake. "I will NEVER STOP FIGHTING TO SAVE MY FRIENDS, NO MATTER WHAT!"  

If Drake wasn't already stunned, he was sure stunned to the stars now. The way Luffy had spoke just now... "You have spirit, kid, I will give you that. When pirates trek out to the new world, it can be hard to hold on to that." He complimented with a proud smirk, as he reminded him of himself when he was younger, and that full of vigor. 

"So, what are we waiting for? We got to find (y/n)!" He proclaimed, as his crew agreed wholeheartedly, while Drake and Law weren't so much on board. "Hey, why aren't you guys cheering with us?" Luffy questioned with a frown, as Law gritted his teeth in annoyance. "I am not apart of your crew, and I already explained it to you. When it concerned the pixie, it's each man on their own out there." He told him, as Drake nodded in agreement. "I agree with Law, strawhat. When I find her, I certainly wouldn't be sharing her with you." "Actually, neither one of you are going to lay a hand on (y/n), not if I can help it." A familiar voice bellowed, as Luffy's frown turned upside down at that. 

"Oi, it's Katakuri! Where did you disappear off to? A lot has happened!" Luffy explained to him, before going to show him the unconscious pigeon in his hands. "Pigeon guy and his friends took (y/n) away, so we are all going to get her back!" He proclaimed with a grin, as Katakuri's stern look grow even sterner at that news. "So, (y/n) has been taken again, has she?... Whoever did this, I am going to kick their ass..." He growled lowly, scaring some of the strawhats, while Luffy continued smiling like nothing was wrong. "Yeah, I am going to kick their ass, too!" He chuckled, as Ace was watching this whole show go down, while Sabo seemed to be deep in thought. "If I recall, there's some base owned by the World government not too far away from where we are at, now..." He murmured to everyone, before sighing. "However, who knows if (y/n) is really in there, for sure?..." He shrugged, as Katakuri went to look at the blond. "My sister Brulee might be able to help us find (y/n)..." He suggested, before crossing his legs and folding his arms. "I say us, because (y/n) did declare a friendship truce, so I will cooperate with your crew and the heart pirates... however..." He then glared at Drake. "I have no obligation to help you out whatsoever. (y/n) mentioned nothing about you." He pointed out, as Maree went to jump in. "We all have to be in this, together! I can hear that we all are thinking the same thing; to rescue (y/n)." She proclaimed, before placing her hands on her hips. "In fact, I hear more, but I don't think the guilty guys in question want me to vocalize that..." She chuckled, as Katakuri went to look at her curiously. "And who are you?" "Im glad you asked; Im Maree! I have the powers of the blood-blood fruit, and it can help me be able to locate (y/n)!... b-but only in a certain range..." She sighed, as Ace went to jump in with an idea. 

"How about you and his sister team up? With whatever powers she has, and with your power of detection, we should be able to find (y/n) much quicker and easier without aimlessly floating about at sea!" He suggested, as Maree practically lit up at that idea. "Sounds great!" She chirped, before she then smirked and folded her arms. "However, I will only help, if we all team up and form an awesome group.. we can call ourselves 'The Peace Coalition!'" She chirped with an excited grin, as Luffy went to share the same look. "That sounds sooo cool! I like it!" He grinned, before going to fold his arms in an authoritative posture, before smirking. "Everybody, we are going to kick pigeon guy's ass, and get back (y/n)!" He chuckled confidently, as Drake and Law went to sigh, giving up and just deciding at this point to just go with it. 

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