Me Vs. The Crimson Queen

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(A/N): I know I haven't been updating as frequently as I used to, and I apologize for that. Life is a heck of a thing, but hopefully, this chapter will make up for my inactivity.

Also, my first time writing a climactic scene! I hope I did this scene justice! *crosses fingers*


I may be out of my league right now...

Even with my prior training for this very moment...


...But regardless, I had to try my very best for all of our sakes! I have been thinking deeply about it, and a great sense of peril can help unlock my true power. It worked for Doflamingo, so why couldn't it work for me?

'But look how he ended up,' My mind quickly retorted, as I had to push that thought aside. 

Right now, I couldn't afford to think negatively, even if those negative thoughts may prove to hold a fragment of truth to them. 

What I had to do now was focus on taking down Mary. She had Maree and Marie as prisoners, and they deserve to finally be free. 

"Y-You're absolutely insane! You can't do it, even if you wanted to!" Mary screeched at me, just as I sent her flying to the mast with an ironed swing. 

With some deep concentration and a good eye on my stamina, I was able to create a giclee move that made it so that Mary and I were fighting on a more even playing field.

It wasn't going to last long, so I had to act fast and effectively before I falter. I had to use her fear of her current predicament to my advantage.

'I know you two are doing your best to hold her back from her true power, as well... thank you...' 

"Y-You all have completely lost your minds! Y-You wouldn't DARE try to kill me, (Y/n)! Y-You're just some ordinary human!" She shook, just as I kicked her in the stomach with a hiss.

"You killed your own sisters..." I reminded her, just as I sent another blow to her torso, that caused her to growl and strike me back, despite not being able to use her blood attacks at the moment. 

"O-Oh, and you're such a morally superior being, right?! Is that why you're throwing away all your humanity right now?!" She snarled, fishing out a knife that was tucked in her outfit, and swinging at me like a boar on a rampage. The movement was so swift that she managed to knick my arm, but I didn't care about that now...

"You don't seem to be doing too well there, lass! I thought you had the high ground!" I heard a voice I didn't want to hear at that moment chuckle, as chills instantly went down my spine, and the atmosphere instantly grew grim and intense.

"S-She can mimic my powers! If she can do this to me, then she can no doubt do this to you, and will! Look at who she is aligned with!" Mary pointed out with a growl, as his smirk grew at her words, though I knew this wasn't a smirk of amusement.

'THINK FAST!' I screamed internally, as I went to conjure up a huge wave with my illustrating ability, and use it to form a barrier between all of us and him. 

He was a massive threat, there was no doubt about it. If I could prevent myself from facing him, I will!

"(Y/N), LOOK OUT!" A voice shouted as I performed this move, before I felt something pull me back from a patch of darkness, that made my heart stop temporarily.

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