So, this is what happened...

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(A/N); Just so you know, I struggled soo much writing this chapter out, ack


The blond magician was comfortably nestled in a little hut made of straw out in the woods, going to look over some of his dearest cards intently. His red eyes hardly seemed to blink as he scrutinized each one very carefully, as if he was dealing with a delicate document of some sorts. 

"This is peculiar..." He murmured, before sighing internally at sensing others nearby. 'Fools. Do they honestly think that eavesdropping on me will help them with their search?' He thought, before going to pick up another card. 

"Killer, if we do not pick up anything useful from this dork, then I am going to personally punch you in the gut." A certain redhead whispered not-so-quietly, as Hawkins heard his poor first mate shush him. "You are going to get us caught!" The masked man hissed silently, as Hawkins was astounded at their gall. 

'Should I tell them that I could hear them?' Hawkins pondered to himself, before going to read over another card. 'Hm... It is not like they can decipher what these cards mean, anyhow.' He thought, before coming across some interesting information. "This can't be... but if it's in the cards, then there is not much I can do about it..." He huffed quietly out loud, before deciding to go along with what the cards said, anyways; they haven't failed him yet. 

"A person of great power is here... one that can wield such great power that it can shape the world in their image." The blond said aloud, as an audible gasp was heard, which made the blond turn his head, as he then heard hurried footsteps getting further and further away. 'Seemed there was another spectator...'  He hummed, before proceeding with his reading. 

"There is a person whose a girl... a young lady, with (e/c) eyes and (h/l), (h/c), (h/t) hair... of (ft/cm) in height..." He murmured, for the first time of his life, being confused with his cards. He went to take a deep sigh, going to close his ruby eyes in concentration. 'You studied these cards your whole life; get a grip' He told himself, before proceeding. 

"It seems this young woman is also here..." He then went to glare a bit at the cards. 'But why are you not telling me more specific details? Is this person of great power and the girl one entity, or are they two?' He frowned deeply, not amused with how the cards were turning out for him today; they were usually very specific with how things are. 

'Its bad enough you are telling me to give them this information aloud, but now you will not even tell me the really important details!' He gritted his teeth, visibly irritated, which was not a normal disposition for the magician. He was usually very calm and hard to visibly irritate, but even he had his limits, especially concerning his fortune telling abilities. 

Before he could proceed to read his cards, the fellow spectators that were eavesdropping on him had ran off, their footsteps just audible enough to be heard by the blond by their shoes that crunched the dry leaves on the ground. 

"Thanks for giving the info aloud, you stupid bastard!" Eustass Kid shouted, as Hawkins continued to glare at his stack of cards. 'Just so you know, this is all your fault; not mine.' He scolded the cards, before going to cleanly stack them all in one pile, before stuffing them in his pockets, and making for the exit of the straw hut. 

Before he left though, he noticed what seemed to be two wiretaps. 'Chance of this day proving to be very irritating... 100%.' 

Meanwhile, on a yellow submarine, a certain surgeon of death was more than pleased at the information that he was hearing. "Captain, should we dock again?" One of his subordinates asked, to in which, he gave the affirmative to do. "Yeah, seems our suspicions were right... was quite convenient that we found that hut when we did; it has provided us with a step in the right direction." 

(One Piece X Reader) I WishМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя