Nakama means friend

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When we got out of that racket, I then realized that we all were now ported near a very familiar island. "Wait a minute... I recognize this place!..." I chirped, as my thoughts were confirmed at the presence of some flamingos. 

"W-woah! What just happened?!" Luffy awed, looking around us, before going to look back at me. "H-how did you do that, (y/n)?!" He questioned me, as I went to hold back a chuckle. "Oh, that wasn't me, that was Kuma." I joked, before going to try and pull off a blank face, while holding my journal just like the panda man holds his book. 

"If you can go on vacation, where would you go?" I mimicked, my tone going to sound very soft, as Luffy cracked up at my impression, finding it very amusing, while everybody else was just taking in what had just happened. 

"D-don't even say that guy's name, (y/n)! He gives me the creeps!" Nami shivered,  before I then felt everyone go to stare at me in unison, like a bunch meerkats that just heard something in the distance. I just knew then, to prepare myself for something big. 






Everybody in the coalition went to tackle me into a group hug, some sobbing their eyes off, while others looked really annoyed at me. That's the beauty of our mixed bag, I guess. 

"N-no, but seriously! Where did you go?!" Zoro questioned me, being among the fellow members that looked pissed off. Geez, can't they let go of their coolness for a second and just admit they were worried about me? I've seen the comic strips that the Speculutions guy showed; they all looked depressed as all hell at thinking I was dead. 

"Y-you see, dad, I hadn't really realized that I could teleport by writing in my journal where I would like to be." I explained, as he continued to glare at me. "WE ALL THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! YOUR SAILBOAT WAS EMPTY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN; WHAT ELSE WERE WE SUPPOSE TO THINK?!" He folded his arms sternly, as I went to rub my head nervously. "I-im sorry, okay?..." I sighed, before I saw Luffy grin brightly at me, before going to pat my back a bit too roughly for my comfort. Clearly "gentle" wasn't apart of his vocabulary.

"I am glad to have you back, (y/n)! We just weren't the same without you!" He told me, as everyone in their own way seemed to have agreed with that statement. I went to grin back at him. 

"The feeling is mutual!" I chuckled, before going to fold my hands behind my back, and sway a little bit. 

"After all, you're all my nakama." 

At my words, everybody's face just dropped like melting clay figures. 




A few seconds later, smiles then went to light up on everybody's face. "You're my nakama too, (y/n)! Shishishi!" Luffy chortled, as everybody apart of our group went to agree. 

"It seems we are no longer anywhere even near Wallow island, so for now, we can rest relatively easy... I hope..." Nami sighed sadly, as Luffy went to beam brightly at that. 

"Woohoo! Whoever is last to the tiki bar is a rotten egg!" Luffy childishly smirked, as he hopped off the ship, and headed on off his own.  

"(y/n), I am assigning myself to be on lookout duty for you. After all, we are on a spa island, and it'd be nice if we can all relax without the boys for once. Wouldn't you agree, Robin?" The redhead asked, as Robin nodded at that with a soft laugh. "Yes, it would be quite nice to unwind after all the things we had to go through as of late." She agreed, as I had no complaints; I'd like to relax too. 

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