I smell a brawl

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After we took our break, training went to proceed as per usual. I was getting pretty good at my defense, which my sparring pals noted, though of course, my offense was still at novice level. After all, I was playing with the big boys now. With so many people with haki roaming about and such, that was really no surprise to me. 

"Do you guys think I could ever really kick your behinds? I know you two are holding back so you wouldn't accidentally murder me." I sighed, as I took a rag, and wiped my sweating face with it, in the attempt to maintain some form of hygiene in this crazy heat. "If you keep your training up, then of course!" Sabo grinned to me, as he also was sweating just as badly as me, his blond hair damp against his forehead. 

"It'd take you a few years to get where we are at now..." Zoro murmured, as I groaned at that, while Sabo stared at him disapprovingly. "Zoro! Be optimistic for (y/n)! She has a very interesting devil fruit on her side!" He pointed out, as I smiled a bit to myself; thanks for the words of encouragement... 

"Don't tell me you already forgot the cool moves she has pulled thus far! She is able to replicate other devil fruit abilities, create anything she wishes out of ink, turn into ink herself, which would be very useful for defense!" Sabo listed with his fingers, as Zoro rolled his head a bit at that. "You forgot some very important things.. speed and stamina! She may be a great runner and dodger, but her offense still needs a lot of work. She takes far too long to make a move with her devil fruit, and that is something we really need to work on." Zoro went to list back like a strict teacher, as I folded my arms. You know, he wasn't wrong, but I much prefer Sabo's optimism; it gave me hope in a hopeless place. 

"Yeah, I know, but it's very easy to get overwhelmed with all the possibilities..." I huffed, as Zoro directed his attention now to me. "Then stick with some basic moves, and expand upon them. Your illustrate ability seems to be your most used technique, so master that one." He advised me, as I nodded at that. "Sure, sounds good to me." 

After some more training, Marco had actually went up to the crow's nest to tell us that I should call it a day on training, which we agreed on, as we all then went to head down to the main deck, since it was almost dinner time. "I call the bathroom!" I chirped, as I went to then get myself some fresh clothes, before heading to said bathroom. 

Trust me when I say that there was no better feeling than washing up right after a hardcore training session, especially since today was such a hot day in the crow's nest. 

'Ahhh, this feels good...' I sighed to myself, taking the time to enjoy a nice, hot bubble bath, to sooth my sore body.  Since the room was closed, and I was taking a hot bath, there was naturally a lot of foggy steam hanging about. I didn't pay it any mind, though, as I continued to relax, deciding to close my eyes for a few minutes, to really soak this goodness in. 

(Sabo's POV)

After this doozy of a day, what I really desired was a nice ol' bath. My body was practically coated in my own sweat, and my hair had grew more limp than a noodle... 

"I didn't know you grew noodles out of your head, Sabo!" Luffy grinned to me, seeming as serious as Luffy could be, which made me sigh. "I don't, Luffy. I just sweated so much that it just looks like I grow noodles out of my head... which would be very weird if I actually did..." I chuckled, as I saw the chef from the corner of my eye seem to be remembering some unpleasant memory. "Trust me, that is not the weirdest way to procure noodles..." He murmured, as I looked at him curiously. "Really? What is?" I asked, as he shuddered, and shook his head. "Believe me, you don't want to know..." 

...Deciding to leave well enough alone... alone, I then proceeded to go over to my case where all my stuff were kept in, which included my clothes, to take some of them out for my bath. Man, I couldn't wait to wash away all this sweat from my body; It would mean I wouldn't have to worry about Luffy mistaking my hair for noodles again. 

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