Making a deal with the heavenly demon

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When I left in my sailboat, I couldn't stop the tears that freely flowed out from my (e/c) eyes. A-after all, I was leaving all of them behind... 

B-but... this was for the best, me! The reason they were always in such hot water was because of you, anyways! 

If you truly cared about them, you would put their safety as number 1 priority, not your feelings on the matter! 

B-but... I still can't help but hurt, having to do this... 

I couldn't let them in on what that horrible letter said, since I just knew that they would just brush it off, and insist that there was another way out...

B-but how can there be another way out with this? As if Mary wasn't a big enough threat alone with her blood-blood fruit, and apparently now some fucking HAKI, she was also allied with Teach, the king of the bastards. 

With that much trouble stacked neatly in one shitty sandwich, I had no choice but to leave! It was for their own good!... B-besides, I wasn't even suppose to BE here! 

'It was a lot of fun while it lasted... sure, there was some scary moments, but the good for sure outweighed the bad. Those times where we would all just hang out and have a good time... nothing was more precious than those times...' I smiled bitter-sweetly, tears still falling like raindrops from my eyes, as I went to attempt to stop the water flow. 

'B-but now it's time to go home... as with all good things, they must come to an end...' I cried, before my body then started to tremble. 

It wasn't in sadness, though... it was in anger. 

"T-this is all because of you, Mary, you psychotic monster! I was just minding my own business when I first got here, before you dragged me into your mess with the pixie nonsense!" I hissed, before going to illustrate up a dummy that looked like her, before giving it the hardest punches I was able to throw. God, did it feel good to just punch her stupid little face in, even if it wasn't really her. 

"Y-you're a heartless bitch that does nothing but cause misery and pain to the people around you! I-I hate you, I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" I yelled, before one of my punches in particular went to send the faux Mary's head off into the air, as I watched it fly far away from here. 

"H-however... if not for the fake pixie drama, I wouldn't of ever gotten the attention of anyone here, and that's an unfortunate truth I can't deny..." I teared up, before going to slump down on the deck.  I-if I wasn't the pixie, I would of never gotten the attention of those who I now can confidently call my friends....

B-but wasn't this friendship based off of a lie from the very start?...

I went to shake my head, to snap me from my thoughts. I-it didn't matter now, anyways; I was never going to see them again! 

To get my mind off things, and to prepare myself for going back to the Earth, I went to power on my phone, to play some games that I had downloaded on it. 

However, as soon as it turned on, I realized something was different about it. 

My lock screen background was of me and the coalition, with everybody smiling into the camera with glee. 

"When the heck did I take this picture?..." I questioned, seriously wondering when I had the chance to do such a thing. I went to swipe the lock screen away, which then revealed another new background, this time with me and the coalition doing silly poses. 

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