Yeah... whoops!

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(A/N); Thank you guys sooo much for the lovely 2k views, as well as those amazing votes and comments!~ It's a pleasure to serve you all these little chapters of mine!~ And, as always, if there is somebody you are keen on having in this story, or of having a more prominent part, let me know so I could see if I can fit it in the story, because like I said; this story is for you guys to enjoy! I always try my best to make this story the best it could be for you all, after all!


Unfortunately for me, I was never quite able to get the good doc back for teasing me, because when we all came together for dinner, Nami told me that Luffy was now going to watch me, which made me nervously sweat.

"Why do I have to watch her?" Luffy complained, as Nami went to glare at him. "Because you need something to do! With all the energy you have, hopefully being put on (y/n) duty will wear you down, though I highly doubt it would... but a girl can dream, can't she?" She sighed, as Luffy went to simply pout in response, going to fold his arms, before looking at me.

"Besides, we're approaching an island, and it'd be nice to anchor you down from causing any more mayhem!" She informed him, as his eyes went to shine as bright as stars at the mention of an 'island', which made me sigh. Just great, I was stuck with the boisterous one.

"An island?! Really?!" He then went to grab me with an extended arm, before exiting from the dining area, and going outside to see said island. "Yes, now I can continue my search for the magical guy!" He chirped, as Nami went to follow after us, while some members of our group just looked at him like he was an idiot.

"The 'magical guy' is (y/n), you moron!" Kid barked at him, as Luffy went to shake his head at him. "Nuh uh, and I am going to prove it to you when I find him! Now gum gum-" He then went to use the mast to pull himself back, kind of like a slingshot, as my heart practically dropped at the feeling.

"GUYS HELP ME HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!" I cried out in a panic, as Katakuri was the first one to react to my plea of help. "(y/n)!"

"ROCKET!" Luffy uttered, before the two of us were sent flying into the horizon, towards this island that he was enthused to see. 'If I die, I am putting this on you and Nami!' I thought, while I was screaming my head off. After all, I was a devil fruit user, so if I fell into the water, i'd drown!!

It didn't take long before we crashed landed on the island, and into a poor unsuspecting bystander, who instantly was knocked unconscious by the impact, while the people around us just looked at us in shock.

"Hahahaha, that was fun!" Luffy giggled, while I was busy dealing with my 2nd luffy-induced concussion, before I gave him no mercy by hitting him over the head. "H-hey, quit it, (y/n)!" He frowned to me, as he was now running away from my angry pursuit. "GET YOUR RUBBER ASS OVER HERE!" I growled, as I went to use my powers to do as much damage to him as I could, while he was busy trying to flee from me.

However, he came to an immediate stop at seeing someone, as did I. H-holy crap, h-how-?

"Don't fret, I don't plan on hurting any of you. However, we do need to talk; don't you agree?"

(Law's POV)

At first, I felt great at being relieved from this ridiculous (y/n) watching duty. However, I couldn't help but feel pity for (y/n) when it seemed that Luffy was going to be watching her. If I can barely handle that idiot, how would she cope?

It barely even took a minute for Luffy to start up something, as he just flung himself and (y/n) to the island we were nearing. 'Poor (y/n)...' I thought, before the red headed navigator went to look confused, which caused me to raise my brows in curiosity.

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