"Im not obsessed, just dedicated"

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(A/N); to be honest, I don't know really, either.... Hope you enjoy it anyways?... lol


(3rd POV)

"Remember that this is a top secret mission, ok? Let's keep this just between us." 

That was what Kaku told his fellow coworkers, before they all went to go their separate ways. So, what was this secret mission in question? Well....

It all began when Kaku had to report in to Lucci about there being a delay for some important guests' arrival. Apparently, they had a last second prior engagement to go to, before they were to arrive at the base. 

The strawberry blond went to knock at his door. "Lucci, are you in there? I didn't find you in the assigned room!" He pointed out, as he waited patiently for a response. However, to his surprise, there was dead silence. "Lucci?..." 

At receiving only silence, the long-nosed male went to open the door, to see if maybe Lucci had fell asleep or something. This news was urgent, after all, but he couldn't help but be a bit nervous as he swung open the door. This was, after all, the first time he ever saw his room, since usually Lucci is out and about... God, how he wished he never would of saw what was inside. 

"W-what the?!" Kaku gasped, as he saw the walls plastered with wanted posters. They weren't just any wanted posters, either; they were specifically duplicates of one individual's wanted poster... (y/n)'s. 

Some of the posters had what looked like stab marks in them, others claw markings. The sight unsettled the male to no end, as he found that Lucci was indeed, sound asleep for once. He was laying flat on his back on the bed, holding onto what looked to be... a doll? 

'W-wait a minute... that doll kind of looks like (y/n)! What the hell is going on in that head of your's, Lucci?!' 

As if matters weren't already creepy enough, Lucci went to roll in his sleep, which caused the doll to say something in response. "Hurt me some more!~" 

"HAHAHAHAHA! T-that has to be the most ridiculous thing I ever heard!" Jabra cackled, as Kaku went to glare at him. "Why the hell would I joke about something like this?! I know what my eyes saw; he's obsessed with her!" He told his fellow cipher members, as Kalifa seemed to be looking something up. "You know, now that I think about it... he probably would be the type to do that. No one is more serious about the job than he is, after all." She tried to reason, as Kaku went to look at her in disbelief. "Why would he sleep with a doll that looks just like her that says; 'Hurt me some more!~' then?! Last time I checked, we were given orders to capture her alive!" He waved his hands, as she nodded. "That's right; alive. We were never told not to hurt her." She pointed out, as Kaku went to cup his face in disbelief. 

"M-maybe if you guys saw it yourselves, you'll see why I am freaking out so bad!" He urged, as the group went to look curious at that, before agreeing to see 'what he meant'. 

To say the least, the group were just as surprised as Kaku to see that all that he had told them was the complete, unadulterated truth. "W-what the hell?..." Blueno muttered, losing his usual cool composure at this freakazoid of a room. 

"I-if I was (y/n), I would say this had to class as some sort of harassment..." Kalifa murmured, also unsettled by the room. 

"I know he is really serious about the job, but this takes it a little bit too far." Jabra commented, looking in utter shock at all the posters that were around. 

At that very moment, Lucci went to roll again in his sleep, which caused the doll to say another thing. "Bite me, love me, hee hee!~" 

The whole group had to hold in their gasps of shock at those words, before they went to turn a ghostly white at seeing Lucci appear to stir a bit. 

"Be quiet, (y/n)... I thought I choked you enough to be quiet...." He murmured, as the group went to at that, nope it the hell out of there. 

So, that was how a secret mission was initiated... to say the least, the group was a bit suspicious that their strongest member had a bit of a 'conflict of interest' on his hands. 

'I wonder how much I could get out of him upfront...' Kaku thought, as he went to approach Lucci in the hall. 

"Hey Lucci, how is the task coming along?" He asked him with an award winning smile, as Lucci simply went to stare at him. "It's coming along fine... though I wish they would allow me to be more hands on..." He murmured, as Kaku internally sighed at that. 

"You know, that (y/n) girl sure is a beauty, isn't she?" He questioned, as Lucci's eyes went to narrow at that. "I don't know where you are going with this." He replied simply enough, though his gaze was sterner than usual. 

"Ha ha ha, nowhere in particular, really! Though I have to ponder... I wonder if I can sort some kind of arrangement with her...." Lucci's gaze grew sterner at that. "And what kind of arrangement would that be?.." He questioned lowly, his voice almost coming to a hiss, as Kaku went to smirk internally. 'So my suspicions were correct; bingo!' 

"Oh, nothing much, maybe just have a cup of tea with her to calm her nerves... or, I can take a more... on-the-nose approach, and choke her-" Before he could even finish what he was saying, he found himself having to dodge an upcoming fist to the nose. 

"N-now that was just a cheap shot!" Kaku frowned at him, as Lucci had murder written all over him. "You don't get to decide her arrangement!" He growled out, as Kaku went to smirk back at him. "Well, neither do you! That is all up to the higher ups, and you know that more than anyone! So, what's the game here? Is something going on in that head of your's that I do not know about?" He questioned him, as he went to dodge a few more hits. "Know your place, Kaku!" "When you know yours! Why do you act so strange whenever (y/n) is mentioned?! Do you perhaps secretly have an infatuation with her?! That would be the most logical conclusion to come to, don't you think?!" "ENOUGH!" 

Kaku then found himself smacked in the face by a beyond pissed Lucci, which just simply confirmed for certain his suspicions. "I-I knew it... you're obsessed with her..." Kaku stated matter-of-factly, rubbing his face, as Lucci continued to glare at him. 

"It is not an obsession to simply want to do the job I was assigned to do... it's pure dedication..." Lucci frowned to him, as Kaku shook his head. "No, this is an obsession. I don't know how the hell it came about, but this is an unhealthy obsession. I always thought you were a bit... not there, and now I know why... after reading your file, it all makes sense to me, now..." He muttered, as Lucci continued to glare bloody murder at him. 

"You're incapable of being genuinely nice, of having sympathy or empathy... of being able to love... I am spot on, aren't I?" 

"I don't need to listen to a damn thing you say anymore; have a fun deluded conversation by yourself." 

"That just tells me that I am right! You're incapable of these things, so they manifest in other ways!" 


"Therefore, your crazed obsession with (y/n)... stems from your inability to love!" 

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