Dr. Heart stealer

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(A/N); might be going on a feature fest for a bit here, lolol. Also, my right knee is bothering me so much, so sorry if things may seem a bit lacking ;A;

And of course, who would I be if I didn't offer the lovely song sung by your's truly? 

Enjoy, hee hee


"So, what did you need me, for?" I asked the one who had requested my attention, and gotten me away from a potential situation with Ace. I don't know whether to be mad at him, or glad. 

"I already told you, didn't I? I called you over so I could check your injury." He frowned to me, before he made me sit down, as he went into full doctor mode. The way his gray eyes inspected every nook and cranny of my body, however, made me feel some type of way. 

"It seems the swelling has gone down, which is a good sign... I was fearing the worst when I heard from Ace-ya that you have developed amnesia...." He mumbled, as I went to blink in shock at that. What's this?...

"You were... worried about me?" I asked him, my shock clearly evident on my face, as he went to glare at me. "O-of course I was! Strawhat-ya could of accidentally killed you!" He then folded his arms grumpily. "Besides, how could I give the cold shoulder to someone who told me Cora-san was still alive, and helped me see him again?" He questioned me, a small smile tugging on his lips, as my shock just grow more. 'Why is he acting like a teletubbie all a sudden? Who is this doppelganger that looks like Law?!' I thought, my mind in a state of deep confusion, as he went to raise a brow at me. "Is something the matter, (y/n)-ya?..." He questioned me, as I went to let out a nervous chuckle, going to wave my hand off to him. "O-oh, no, it's nothing!.. I just need another drink..." I muttered, going to fetch another strong drink, before chugging it down like there was no tomorrow. I don't give a damn if I get as drunk as a sailor, I needed this to clear my head from this weird night, dang it! 

"You shouldn't be drinking too much, (y/n)-ya; you might do something that'll embarrass you again." Law smirked to me, as I went to glare at him. "O-oh shaddup, you spotted panda bear! If I want to get drunk out of my mind, I will! All you guys make me just want to black out..." I complained with a frown, as he chuckled a bit at my words, though I didn't know why; maybe he finds it funny to be a spotted panda bear? 

"And why is that, (y/n)-ya?" He questioned me with a satisfied smirk, as I continued to frown at him. "'Cus all that you guys do is tease me until I can't stand it! It's obvious to anyone with eyes!" I pointed out, as he went to nod at that. "Yeah, what you say is true.. but do you know why we tease you?" He asked me, as I nodded. "Y-yeah, because I tease you guys... but dammit, here's the thing yall need to understand! I-I do the teasing around here, not yall!" I whined, as his smirk grew even wider. "Why, that's not so fair, now is it, (y/n)-ya?" He grinned, as I nodded. "I know it isn't fair, but you kno' wha'? I. don't. care." I hiccuped to him with a bright smile, as he went to shrug his shoulders. "Well, we don't care either when we tease you; each of us is trying to win." He pointed out, as I rose my brows at that. "Win? Win what? Is there some kind of contest that you all are doing?" I asked him, as he clicked his tongue at that. "I guess you can say that...." He hummed, as I went to throw my head back in agitation. 

"Let's change this subject, Law... How about we do something that doesn't make me want to black out... like perhaps sing a duet?" I suggested with a drunken giggle, as he went to raise his brows quizzically at my suggestion, before promptly shaking his head. "No." He simply replied, as I frowned at him. "Aw, c'mon, Law! Don't be like that!" I whined, before flopping fully to the ground with a loud 'thud'. This man, for real...

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