Sustain the objection, dammit!

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"You will play along with this little plan of mine, right? After all, you wouldn't want to anger an emperor, now would you?" She asked me in a sickly sweet tone, as I simply chose not to respond in kind. My body was still aching like crazy, and I didn't want to simply just nod, because that would just feed into Katakuri's delusions even more. Plus, this woman was horrifying, and I rather not get my life sucked dry, thank you! 

"Ah, a smart girl I see!" She then turned to Katakuri. "The wedding will be held tonight, so you two better be ready by then." She informed us, before shooing  us off, as Katakuri then carried me out of there. However, I was now presented with an even more troubling dilemma. 

"K-katakuri, please, you have to listen to me..." I told him, as he went to go back to his room, and gently place me on his bed, before going to plop next to me. "Yes, what is it, my dear?" He asked with a big, happy smile, as I went to bite my lip. 

"I-I am not ready to get married yet..." I told him, as he went to blink at my words. FINALLY, I WAS GETTING THROUGH TO HIM! 

"I understand that you're nervous about it, (y/n), but don't worry, you're not the only one.... Actually, you're my first love." He admitted with a shy blush, going to scratch his cheek, as I went to almost groan out in frustration, but then immediately awe at his cute little confession, and wait, im getting sidetracked again! 

'Damn you and your sweet goodness, Katakuri! As if it wasn't already hard enough trying to get the words out!'  I thought, before going to try at it again.

"Y-yeah, and that's very touching and all, but it's j-just, this is all sudden, you know? We only known each other for a few days, after all!" I tried to reason, as he went to play with a loose strand of my hair. 

"Yeah, but I am certain that we're meant to be, (y/n). The future we'll spend together will just confirm that." He grinned to me, as I tried to suppress another urge to go 'awe'. 

'Why oh why does he have to be such a sweetheart? And why am I eating this up? This is a very serious situation, dang it!' 

"A-again, very sweet, but I would be more comfortable if we- ah!~" I squeaked, as I felt him go to playfully nibble my ear, which caused my face to burn, and my heart to do back-flips. 

"Hee hee, you're so cute.~" He chuckled to me, as I went to practically fume. 

"L-listen, I don't want to get married... b-because of what happens after!" I mumbled out like a buffoon, realizing too late how awkward this was going to be, but deciding I had to stick with it. Maybe an embarrassing chat like this will get him to halt this insanity! 

"What do you mean? The kiss?" He asked with a cute tilt of his head, as I nodded awkwardly. "Y-yeah... the kiss!" I laughed hoarsely, as he moved his face closer to me. "We can practice now, if you'd like." 


"N-no, that's a-alright!..." I chuckled softly, trying to get out of this more than awkward situation, as he went to nuzzle his nose against mine. "Alright, but if you want me to make you not so nervous about it, then we should practice." He suggested to me, as I tried desperately to take another approach, since this one was clearly not working. 

"B-but it's not just the k-kiss im worried about, Katakuri!... I-it's the... b-bonding... thingamagig..." I practically forced out, as he then went to blush heavily at realizing where I was going with this. 

"O-oh... t-that's what you meant..." He mumbled lowly, before going to hold my face, so that I was looking into his eyes. "I promise that I will be gentle." He whispered to me. 

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