Sail away

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(A/N); A funny lil note before we delve into the story. I was listening to one song initially, but then I discovered all these treasures in my playlist...Hence why Im going to use two songs of the same name, lol. Ima suggest both of them, but the second one will be more prominent... for now, have the first one, though!~

It sets the tone for what's to be...


As soon as I got this odd letter, I went to open it, wondering why it was handed to me specifically out of all people. However, as I opened it, I couldn't help but feel some sense of dread. After all, some black seagull out of nowhere just handed me this strange envelope; how could I not feel wary? 

"(Y/N), DON'T READ THAT!" Katakuri quickly shouted to me, taking the letter from my hands with trembling gloved ones, before I even had the chance to read the first sentence of the thing. "W-what? What is it?!" I ask, alarmed by his reaction, as his entire body shook. "I... saw the most heartbreaking look on your face when you read it, in the future..." He murmured softly to me, as everyone grew tense at his words, before the black seagull that handed me the letter, went to swoop in and perch on my shoulder, which made everyone glare at it suspiciously. "If you try anything, bird, I will pluck every single one of your feathers... one. by. one..." Kid threatened, as the bird squawked fearfully at that, seeming to wave it's wings at him. 

"P-please don't hurt me! I was just tasked to hand this letter to the pretty lady here by this blonde girl with a very beautiful voice!" Chopper translated for the bird, as everyone frowned at that. 

"'Blonde girl with a very beautiful voice' ?... He couldn't possibly mean..." Robin pondered, as Drake finished her line of thinking for her. "Maree, it has to be!" He snapped his fingers, gritting his teeth, as the bird tilted it's head at that. 

"Maree? No, the girl's name was Mary!" Chopper spoke for the bird again, as everyone sweated nervously at that. After all, Mary was the one sister out of the triplets that really hated my guts.

"So Mary was the one who sent this letter to (y/n)-ya... whatever is in it must be bad news, especially with what Katakuri just told us..." Law pointed out, as we all grew grim at that. What the hell was in that thing that caused me to freak out, which then caused Katakuri to freak out, and et cetera?! 

"The bird said specifically that a blonde girl with a very beautiful voice was the sender... t-that must mean that Mary was using Maree, just like she used Marie when she tried to kill (y/n) after our run in with the marines..." Drake gritted his teeth in agitation, looking disgusted at the very thought. 

"I was right not to touch that mad woman with a 10 foot pole... that crazy bitch is using her own dead sisters' abilities to suit herself... that'd be like if I murdered Killer, and used his corpse to fight my own battles... that meshuggener..." Kid huffed, as I was too distracted by that unsettling imagery to even focus on what that strange word he used even meant. 

"K-Katakuri, what does that letter say?.." I asked softly, trying to hold in my anxiety at the very thought of what that dreaded letter contained. "N-no, I won't say... I-I can't forget that look that I saw on your face.." He murmured, holding the letter tightly to him, as I went to take a deep breath. No matter how scary this letter might seem, I just had to know what it says. After all, it's of great importance that I know! Since it was specifically targeted towards me, it had to be something very grave. 

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