All we do is train

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(Luffy's POV);

Ever since that stupid lady stopped by, (y/n) hasn't been the same. After the two of them talked, (y/n) went straight to her room, and hasn't come out from there in days, not even for dinner! What that lady told her wasn't even anything to worry about! 

"Luffy, can you please move away from the door? I am here to deliver (y/n)'s daily breakfast." Sanji spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts, as I smiled at seeing him. Sanji's a good man; he made sure to cook up delicious meals that would guarantee that (y/n) was healthy.

"Yeah, sure, sorry about that." I chuckled, a bit more softly than I usually laugh. It's hard to be pumped when (y/n) has locked herself away from us, after all. 

"Good morning, (y/n). I am here with your breakfast." Sanji told (y/n) through the door, before going to slide the tray that he held through a slit in the door. (Y/n) wouldn't open the door, no matter how much we tried to convince her to, so Franky made a hatch in her door that was big enough to slide stuff in. I tried using that thing to talk more clearly to (y/n), but she wouldn't talk to me! 

As quickly as he slid the tray in is as quickly as it had disappeared, which made both me and Sanji very happy. It's good that she's still eating, at least, because if she wasn't, we'd have a problem. 

"Luffy, how long are you going to stand by her door?" Sanji asked me seriously, as I returned the same look. "As long as she continues to stay in there. I want to be the first one to see her again." I told him confidently, as he shook his head. 

"You really do love her, don't you, captain?" He asked me next, which just caused my smile to grow even bigger.

"I love her more than meat, Sanji. She's always looking out for us, so why can't we return the favor?" I smirked to him, as he went to smirk as well. "I couldn't agree more, captain." He nodded, as I went to lean against her door again. "I know you love her too, Sanji, and I wouldn't hold it against you. Don't think that just because I'm the captain, and you're apart of my crew, that I would try and deny you the chance to fight for her heart. I want you to know that if (y/n) chooses you, and not me, that you have my full support. (Y/n)'s happiness is what I care about above anything else." I told him earnestly, which naturally caught him a bit off guard. Shishishi, I bet he wasn't expecting that!

"A-aye aye, captain!" He grinned widely to me, before turning to leave. "Also, if (y/n) comes out of her room, could you please tell the rest of us?" He requested of me, as I agreed to it. Everybody else was worried about (y/n) just as much as I was, but we were currently busy dealing with lots of things, like getting more supplies and stuff. I would be (y/n)'s guardian, who watches her door! Yeah!...



I just wish she would hurry up, and get out of there...


"H-hey, you're the jerk that pretended to be (y/n)!" I growled towards the dumb magician lady, who was too busy twiddling her thumbs to address me. She looked like her mind was somewhere else.

"If you're trying to kidnap me again, it wouldn't work this time!" (y/n) cooly told her off, as the lady started to sweat like crazy, before suddenly, she broke off crying, before pulling her top hat over her body. H-hey, she was about to disappear again!

"I don't think so!" I hissed, about to nab her with my outstretched arm, before an entirely different lady appeared.

This lady was a bit taller and was dressed in a similar way to Zoro. She had long black hair that was tied into these weird pigtails, and she was crying like a baby.

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