Uncharted waters

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Even with our combined efforts, there was barely enough food to sustain everybody. "I didn't think that we would be separated from our ships like this... how long do you think it'd take to get back to that island?" Drake questioned Nami, who sadly munched on some collard greens. "To be honest with you, I am not quite sure... I feel a big storm coming... a bad one..." She sighed depressedly, as we all went pale at that. A bad storm is coming... and we couldn't of been any more ill-prepared. 

"I'd make some modifications on this thing, but we don't have much to work with here!" Franky frowned, seeming to ponder something up. "But, it'd be better than nothing..." He hummed, before a lightbulb blinged atop his head. 

"T-that's it! Hey, can somebody bring the junk that was in that closet over there onto the deck? I am going to try and fortify this baby!" He chirped, as some of the gang went to hop to it right away. 

"We also need to find an island to restock our food supply right away. Since a storm is coming, I don't think we can really fish for the time being." Sanji informed us, as Katakuri was now holding intently to a mirror as if he was working with some cellphone. "Come on, Brulee, show up already..." He mumbled under his huge fluffy scarf, as Usopp went to turn to me. 

"Um, you transported us to that island back there with your powers, r-right?... Think you can do that again?..." He questioned softly, before I heard Zoro huff. "She teleported us to a dangerous island the first time. What makes you think she could do better a 2nd time without practicing on her abilities?" He questioned the afraid sniper, who hung his head. "I-I can have hope...don't take that away from me, too..." 

"Woooaahhh, this is so cool!" I heard Luffy chirp out on the deck. He was one of the people helping Franky out with fortifying this ship. 

"The sea looks like a chessboard!" I heard Chopper comment, as I went to see Nami visibly almost choke at his comment for some strange reason, turning a sickly color all of a sudden. Uh oh, if the navigator was sweating a heap ton at that, then this 'checkerboard sea' was most definitely NOT a good thing.  

Everybody that was inside the ship had gone out to the deck to see what the fuss was about, and sure enough, the ocean did look strange; I've never seen anything like it!

Everybody that was inside the ship had gone out to the deck to see what the fuss was about, and sure enough, the ocean did look strange; I've never seen anything like it!

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"EVERYBODY PADDLE THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Nami ordered in a panic, as we all went to look at her with a mix of confusion and concern. This weird sea looked harmless enough, but hey, I trust her expert opinion. If she thinks it's dangerous, it most likely than not is

"Of course, Nami-swaann!~" Sanji chirped, as we got out some paddles that we found on this little ship, and went into paddling out of this weird part of the sea. Of course, not really getting the immediate danger, Luffy had gone to pout at the redheaded woman. "What's the problem, Nami?" He asked her, as she was still sweating like crazy. 

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