Payback time... sorta?...

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After hearing somebody calling my name, I went to naturally check out to see who was the one doing the calling. I heard my name being called from within a thick part of the forest, which was kind of sketchy to me, so I naturally had my guard up. "Hey, whose there?..." I questioned aloud, looking about me. No trouble so far- 


I went to let out a scream of surprise when I found myself caught up in a net, like some crazy catch of the day or something. "W-what the?!" I sputtered, before from the thicket of the forest, a smirking face appeared, alongside a few other people, who were looking apologetically at me.

"..I should of known. The hell are you trying to pull?!" I barked, going to frown at them all, before one of the members of the guilty party in question went to step closer to me, with an all-knowing smirk. "Target your anger at me, (y/n), because this was my idea. They just helped execute it." The male told me, before going to chuckle. "I guess you could say that I caught some valuable treasure, that is worth 1 trillion beris! What a lucky day for me!" He cackled, as his mates simply went to bow their heads politely to me. "We apologize, (y/n)." The three said in unison, as I went to smile at that. "It's alright. I know how much of a pain this guy can be." I giggled, before the net then fell down, as I, still stuck in it, was caught in the arms of a certain Supernova. Only one could be this mischievous and ridiculous...

"Me, a pain? Look who is talking!" He grinned to me, as I rolled my eyes. "I know you're kinda into this sort of thing, so I am going to cut myself loose now, if you don't mind.... Don't want you thinking you can break out of the friend-zone, now." I smiled, which caused his grin to fall flat, as his eyes narrowed at me, before he went to tug on my cheek; typical. 

"'Friend-zone' ? I KNOW I didn't hear you correctly, chickadee..." He growled to me, as I could see Killer, Heat, and Wire in unison go to quickly give me the 'cut it out' signal with their hands, as they shook their heads so fast, that I thought that their heads were going to pop off of their necks. Did I just say something that I might regret?... Maybeee... 

"You're a very weird case, Kid. You front like you don't give a damn, when in reality, you give too much of a damn. If somebody made fun of you for your dream of finding One Piece, you'd beat them worth an inch of their life." I pointed out, as I noticed that my words had shocked him, since he suddenly grew very tense all of a sudden. I could see that the trio watching us were also just as shocked. 

"H-how the hell do you-?" "Im the pixie, remember? I know a lot of stuff." I scapegoated, before going to fold my arms. "But yeah, I do get it. You lived a very tough life, so naturally, you had to become this big baddie. To a degree, I do believe that some of your bratty behavior is genuine, but I sense that beyond this fancy getup, and beyond this pure muscly and semi metal exterior, and this badass image.... you're just a mech-head with a dream of finding the One Piece, and becoming King of the pirates.... am I right or am I wrong?" I questioned, as he still stood stunned, clearly not expecting me to say any of this at all. What can I say? Coming from Earth has it's advantages! 

"Just... how...." He then shook his head, snapping himself out of his stupor. "...Why are you telling me this, (y/n)?..." He simply asked, as I looked right into his amber eyes. "Because I wanted you to know that I find the inner workings of your mind to be an enigma. I truly do believe there is some good in you, but the bad overshadows it... like how you kidnapped me back in Yuina, and tried to engage in some... relations... with me..." I blushed at the memory, as surprisingly enough, he went to blush along with me! 

"C-can you just forget that ever happened, woman?!" He gritted his teeth in annoyance, as I went to chuckle. Seems he regrets it now, in his own, peculiar way. "A-alright, alright! I will try, but no promises!" I grinned, going to stick my tongue out playfully to him with a wink, as he glared down at me. "Don't try, do! You need to really control your little tease games; it drives me crazy!" He growled, as I went to pout at that. "Look who is telling who to control themselves; the guy with the least amount of self-control!" I whined, as he then went to pin my body, that was still in the net, by the way, to a nearby tree. He then went to draw his face very close to mine, a very serious look on his face. 

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