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The moment they got back to Altura 10K walked Bailey to the infirmary while she rolled her eyes the whole way there. She knew he was adamant that she see Red but did he really have to treat her like a child?

"I said I'd go, you don't have to walk me there." She complained.

"I just want to be sure." He replied.

"You know there's a fine line between 'sweet and caring' and just 'overprotective and annoying'." She pointed out but 10K didn't leave her side. He walked her all the way to Red's lab and explained the situation, clearly thinking Bailey might lie and say she was just visiting to get out of the checkup. Thankfully, not long after they got there Red got a call on her radio from George who was looking for 10K, something about a debriefing about the trip and planning for the incoming winter. Tommy gave her a kiss on her head before he left and Red had her sit on a table while she started checking her over. After giving her a usual physical she started asking more specific questions.

"Other than getting sick have you had any other symptoms?"

Bailey shook her head, "No. I mean I'm a bit tired but it's not like it's a big mystery why. It's hard getting a full eight hours sleep when you keep waking up nauseous."

"Any fever? Chills? Headaches? Stomach cramps or abdominal pain?"

"No, none of that. It's just the getting sick then I'm back to normal." She said leaning back on her hands.

"Is it more noticeable after you eat or before? Or after you haven't had water in a few hours?"

"No it's not like a stomach bug or food poisoning and I don't feel dehydrated so that can't be it." She replied getting frustrated as she could see Red checking off things it wasn't in her head.

"Has there been any blood?" she asked flipping through charts and medical books she had lying around.

"No just regular. . .you know." She said not wanting to get too descriptive and disgusting. Then Red looked up at her like she'd just thought of something but there was also caution in her look like she was afraid Bailey might bite her head off if she mentioned it.

"Bailey?" she asked as Bailey sat up and stopped leaning on her hands, now picking at the string on the knee of her pants that was starting to fray.


"When was the last time you had your period?" she asked hesitantly and Bailey's head snapped up to look at her.

Third Person POV

"Alright we've got the new citizens signed in and through quarantine." Warren said walking into George's office where she and CZ already were, "They're settling in now and getting job placement forms, all in all we're looking good."

"Excellent." Citizen Z said nodding his head, "And I put the word out to the other outposts to see who still has a good amount of housing space. Sooner or later Altura is going to run out and we're going to have to find a place for the people who are flocking here."

"Our main priority is making sure Altura and the other outposts are still here after the winter." George said looking at a map of Newmerica that was spread out on her desk. "After Estes and Pandora's scheming we lost a lot of time to prepare for the weather, time we could have used importing and exporting needed supplies."

"Well how are we looking now?" Warren asked.

"Well we have no firewood, it had been arranged that the Tree Dwellers outpost would supply lumber but after the bombings they stopped going outside the walls, much less to run deliveries. But we're surrounded by our own forest so we can compensate that, it's the supplies we'd get from the Inlanders, Islanders, Old Frontera, High Plains and Heartland that I'm worried about."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now