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Third Person POV

Addy's screams died down quickly and became gasps as breathing became painful for her. Her shirt quickly turned red with blood and without thinking 10K and Bailey rushed to her side while others looked on in shock and fright. Bailey took Addy's jacket off her and used it to try and put pressure on the bullet wound to slow the bleeding. Addy's grip on her hip loosened enough for Bailey to move her hand away as she worried for her friend.

From across the room Red started to walk over. She showed no fear on her face as she held her chin high and kept her eyes on Addy. She didn't stop until a goon and the leader turned and blocked her way and she was forced to look at them.

"Hello Resilient Red." The leader mocked, "Are you going to try and be the hero?"

"Hey!" Warren called getting the leaders attention with her arms spread in invitation. "You want to shoot someone, I'm right here."

She knew since she was a Talker the bullet wouldn't kill her unless it was to the head. But this guy was clearly playing games and wanted a show. He wouldn't mercy her in one shot, he'd shoot somewhere else like he had with Addy. And better her then Red, if this guy went trigger happy they'd need their doctor.

"Shoot me." She goaded him as he turned from Red but his goon still kept her from getting closer to Addy. The leader looked like he considered shooting again as he smirked and stepped toward her.

"Not yet." He replied, "I think Ass Kicker Addy will provide sufficient entertainment for right now. If she dies, then maybe I'll shoot you for fun."

"She's bleeding heavily and we can't stop it." Bailey cried as she bunched up the fabric of the jacket in her hands as more of it became soaked with blood. Addy was also losing consciousness as her gasping breaths turned shallow and her eyes looked unfocused and blinked more frequently like she was struggling to keep them open. Finn looked on from where he stood worried for Addy more than anyone else in that room. But like the rest of them he knew he'd be stopped if he tried to walk over to help.

"I'm a doctor, please let me help her." Red asked from around the goon that was still blocking her way.

"No one moves unless I say so, got that?" the leader snapped, his tone clearly not putting up with them.

10K was on the edge of his patience too as he crouched by Bailey looking to help her help Addy in any way he could.

"We're forced to sit around and do nothing while she's bleeding to death on the floor." He muttered angrily.

Bailey wanted to hold his hand but didn't, knowing Addy needed the added pressure right now. But that didn't stop her from whispering back, "We're going to get her the help she needs and we'll all make it out of this okay?"

The image of him with a gun to his head once already tonight flashed through her mind and she knew she had to do what she could to keep his temper down or else he could do something that got him killed.

"Did I say you two could chat?" the leader asked having seen their mouths moving as he stomped over with his handgun ready to fire again.

"We know you mean business." Warren interrupted again trying to keep the leader's focus – and his gun – off of the people she cared about. "But your simple heist has turned into a hostage situation and the more people you kill the harder it will be for you to get out of here. Each person you kill is one less chance you have when you get your hands on what you came for."

He hesitated as he stared at Warren, he wasn't the leader for no good reason. He was probably the smartest of all the masked men, the most clever and the one who also knew that when he did finally decide to leave there would be guards trying to stop him. The more people he let live would be more lives he could barter for when the time came. Warren kept her eyes on him as he thought all those things over, then he smiled, "Well she is entertainment after all. And what could be more entertaining than a little impromptu surgery? Alright Dr. Red, you have permission to attend to her."

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