S5E02: Part 7

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S5E02: Part 7

Still flashback

When she'd gotten to Lake Superior she found a wharf that looked good enough to stayat for the night and decided to rest for a while. She still had maybe an hour of daylight so it couldn't hurt to check the docks for supplies. She checked a few boats and collected some netting figuring she could use it to either catch fish to eat or trap an unkillable Z. If they wouldn't be killed she'd have to find ways to at least slow them down long enough for her to run. She looked at the sky one more time and decided she should decide on a boat to sleep in before the sun set. She walked from dock to dock looking for one that looked empty, several had Z's mulling about inside and she couldn't tell if they were the regular one's or this new breed so she kept walking. Eventually she walked past a small wooden shack and paused. Strung up along the wall was some netting and rope with buoys attached, the strands had been nailed to the shack to spell out DXD. . . Delta X-ray Delta? She took a closer look and saw a little fisherman statue that looked like Doc and someone had even stuffed some grass in its mouth like he was smoking Z-weed. Bailey chuckled and felt a warmth in her chest at the idea that one of her group had left this here, maybe as they made their way to Newmerica. She walked up to the shack and knocked on the door, not hearing any snarling inside she decided this little place would do well for her to get some rest in.


Now being on her own Bailey quickly came to realize that she had no idea where exactly Newmerica was. The only direction she had was 'north' and honestly there was a lot of land north to cover if she didn't have any better directions. The only thing she did have were these DXD signs that someone had left continuing west from her position. She wasn't sure they led to Newmerica but they were her best bet so she kept following them. The latest one had been in the middle of a deserted road, an old little concrete building with a sign marking it 'Jim Bob's Gas Station'. On the ground a few feet from the gas pumps and abandoned cars were some mercied zombie's that had been left rotting away. Bailey noticed their bodies had been laid out in the shape of an arrow so she had continued to follow it until she came across a more main road that took her further north and she hoped she'd reach the Canadian border in another week or two at the rate she was going.

When she got to the next town she stopped to make a supply run and hoped maybe she'd find a working car. She knew main places like grocery stores and fast food restaurants would have been looted ten times over by now so she had to think of more creative places. As she walked through the parking lot of a plaza her gaze stopped at a bank. No one would have gone in there, she thought, money was useless now. But she did remember as a kid the bank teller's would always give her a lollipop when she'd stop in when her mom or dad had to cash a check and old candy was better than no food at all so she headed over. But as she got closer she heard groaning and saw a small pack of zombies come from around the corner of the building. She quickly ran hoping that if she did have to fight them they'd at least be the one-and-done type of Z's. She ran to the nearest alley and hesitated when she saw a figure at the opposite end. The figure ducked behind a dumpster while Bailey took cover behind a trashcan. The pack of Z's walked right by the alley and when they were gone Bailey was left with only one problem – the person at the other end of the alleyway.

She drew her knife not wanting a shot from her gun to draw the zombies back toward her and she crept to the next garbage can in the alley. After she ducked behind it she heard a scurrying noise and realized the other person was trying to do the same thing and sneak up on her. Her grip on her knife tightened and she pushed her loose hair from her face as she got ready to pop out and defend herself. She took a deep breath and stood from her hiding place coming face to face with the sharp tip of an ax. But instead of finishing their swing, the person froze.

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