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Murphy POV

"So if you have Dr. Sun's brain why do you need me?" Kurian asked as Murphy pulled the partially nibbled brain out from the cooler.

"Her notes are nearly impossible to read. I'm not sure which page picks up where the last left off."

"And won't taking a few bites of her brain solve that problem?"

Murphy turned to Kurian with one hand on his hip, "Of course it will! But I knew Sun Mei, she was just as confused about what's running through my veins as I am. I'm not sure how she stumbled upon the correct gene sequence for this cure, and the only bit of it that was successful was used on her. Her brain doesn't only house the knowledge I need, it also houses the cure. So. . . unfortunately, I can't eat all of it."

"Ah, so you're worried that whatever part you end up saving will be the piece that holds the key to your success." Kurian chuckled enjoying his suffering, "Well given your previous luck that sounds highly likely."

Murphy frowned at the reminder of his past failures, turning the Zero cartel into blends, Spokane, saving Lucy from the Man, but now he was so close to having something go right. "And it's a big reason as to why you're here. In case my bad luck continues and I can't do this alone, I need your knowledge to put the pieces together."

"And why would you even trust me with that?"

He scoffed, "A severed head with no means of seeing daylight again if not for me, I think even you know that if you betray me and cook up something other then what I'm after the result for you won't be pretty."

Kurian's smirk fell, "Fine. Then what about the kid? If the cure is in your blood why do you need his?"

Murphy set Sun Mei's brain down on the table as he continued explaining. "My blood is too toxic. And it's changing constantly. The Black Rain juice, the Zona cure, Merch's original vaccine, the levels of all that keep changing, fluctuating. It's all masking my genes and making it difficult for the one we need to appear. But 10K. . . after I made him a blend he gained my immunity to zombies, all my blends do. But when he'd take those boosters the immunity was blocked, made dormant and the Z's knew it." He remembered Merch stabbing herself with a booster in his zombie moat and how he'd seen them instantly swarm her, "Somewhere in his blood that's still lying dormant and once I get a dose of it I can find out how to reactivate it. But a cure that only makes you immune is useless to others, like Talkers and freshly turned Z's like Sun Mei. They need something to restart their hearts, and that vaccine is also floating around in 10K thanks to Sun." he never forgot how the kid lurched and gasped for air after they'd killed him, the shock he'd felt seeing him actually survive, especially after he'd felt his pulse stop himself. Whatever Sun Mei had injected him with suppressed his immunity and restarted his heart all in one go, "Combine the two, tweak it a bit, and I should get a zombie cure for everyone. And the more people who can use it, the more customers I get and the more money I make."

"Money?" Kurian asked rolling his eyes.

"Money, bullets, bizkits, whatever currency Newmerica chooses to use. I will be swimming in it." He chuckled, "I'll be the first post apocalyptic billionaire."


They'd just made it back to West Park when Rita jumped out of the back of the truck and started ordering her people to start packing.

"Leave behind anything that isn't critical, only essentials, we need to move as quick as we can and get to Bighorn!"

Eric helped her lead the charge and Addy and Warren worked to get as many vehicles ready to roll as possible. 10K helped Cooper and George carry fuel to them as they gassed up the vehicles as others grabbed their supply of guns, ammo, and tech but there was still one problem.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now