S5E02: Part 2

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S5E02: Part 2

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S5E02: Part 2

After all the newcomers had gone through quarantine Doc was left wandering around Altura. Something about what one of the workers at the citizenship application tents had said stuck with him: "So to get more clothes and your first care pack bundle you'll go to the building marked 'Supply and Storage' bring this sheet and Hawthorne will set you up."

"Did you say Hawthorne?" Doc asked.

"Yes, Bailey Hawthorne, she runs the building. It's where we keep and ration our supplies then she reports when we're running low on certain things so the scavenge teams know what to look for the most when they go outside the walls." The woman at the table explained but seeing Doc's reaction she started to look worried. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh, no, not at all. We just, knew her way back when. Glad to know she made it here okay."

The woman smiled and showed them to the changing rooms which were really just sections divided by curtains. After they'd changed he and Sarge stepped outside as 10K was coming in to get his housing assignment and work permit. With the Kid busy Sarge turned to Doc.

"I thought 10K said Bailey was dead." Sarge said quietly outside to Doc.

"Well we all thought she was. Murphy had told the Kid. . ." Doc trailed off as he put the pieces together, "What do we tell 10K?"

"He deserves to know she's alive." Sarge said.

"I know that but if we don't tell him the right way the poor kid might have a heart attack."

Then they had to shut up about it because 10K was walking over to them.

Doc hadn't had a chance to get away until now and his first stop was the 'Supply and Storage' building. He had volunteered to go get their starter supplies himself, he'd told 10K and Sarge he'd meet them back at their housing assignment later and Sarge could clearly see what he was up to and took on the job of keeping 10K away from that building. They'd been given two rooms in one of the old dorm buildings on campus, he and the Kid were going to share one while Sarge had one to herself. They had also been told that there was a section of trailers on what used to be the football field where they housed people who held higher jobs of importance like their CEO, their doctors and people like George.

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