Oneshots pt 2 of 4

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One Shot #3:

It was the first big snow of the season for Altura. It was the nice light fluffy stuff, but there was just so much of it. 10K had gone to volunteer to help shovel and he'd taken TJ with him wanting their son to start doing his share in the community and to give back so their home could keep running. It didn't bother their four year old, he loved being around people and his youthful energy put smiles on the faces of the people he'd talk to.

10K had been tasked to do the cemented part around the Memorial Wall and TJ was helping him. Tommy would shovel a square a few feet wide and a few feet long for TJ to shovel and TJ liked shoveling smilie faces and other patterns into the squares before he'd finish and Tommy would outline another section for him to do. He couldn't help but laugh at his little boy when he noticed he had started shoveling the grass along the cement pavement and Tommy stuck his shovel in the snow, taking his antler from the handle and rested his elbow on it.

"Not there Bud." He called with a chuckle as TJ stopped and turned to him with his little shovel in his hands, "You don't have to shovel the grass."

"Oh." TJ replied dumping the snow from his shovel and walking back over to his Papa before 10K patted his head and outlined another square for him on the concrete.

When they had finished they walked back home making deep footprints in the snow. It was a little hard for TJ to walk so he'd hop from one of 10K's footprints to another as he followed his Papa. When they got to their apartment building 10K wrapped his arms around TJ's middle and scooped him up so he could bang his shoes together to get the snow off them so he wouldn't track any inside. Their own apartment smelt like chocolate when they walked in and he could see Bailey at the stove making hot cocoa while Charlie was in a play pen by the couch. He got TJ out of his puffy coat and hung it by the door as he ran and hugged his mother who picked him up and offered him a sugar cookie from the plate on the island.

"How was shoveling?" she asked and TJ beat him to the answer.

"Cold." He replied, his voice cheerful as he took another bite of the cookie. Bailey laughed and when Tommy reached her she tapped his cheek which was probably still red from the chill.

"I could tell." She replied putting TJ down, "How does soup sound for lunch?"

"Perfect." Tommy said as he leaned in and kissed her then she offered him a cookie too and he made his way over to the couch and watched Charlie as she laid on her tummy and tried to push herself up and lift her head. She'd grown a fair amount of black hair but not enough that Bailey could do much with it and her eyes hadn't changed from matching her mothers.

"Hey Peanut." He said smiling at her through the mesh wall of the playpen as she looked up at him.

"You know, I was thinking after lunch, maybe we could take the kids out to play in the snow." Bailey suggested as she warmed up some soup in a pot and got out some crackers. It was the same soup Red had made for Tommy back when they lived in that tree tent together. It was his favorite so Red had given Bailey the recipe.

"Isn't she too little?" he asked worried. He was extra protective of his little peanut since she'd had such a rough start at life. He didn't want to risk her getting sick.

"No. Annie at the supply building dug out a little baby snowsuit and I tried it on her this morning to make sure it fit."

"Did it?"

"She looked like a little mint green marshmallow." Bailey said turning to him with a look one might give a puppy. Then she looked at TJ who had busied himself with his own toys on the floor, "And. . . Julie's mom said she got a tube sled for her birthday last week."

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