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They were lucky and after ditching more hordes of zombies they found an actual road to follow and eventually they came upon an eighteen wheeler that was abandoned. Now they'd been coming across abandoned cars since the start of the apocalypse but what made this one different was the gear laying in the street in front of the truck and it looked suspiciously like the abandoned convoy and camp. When people abandoned a vehicle they stripped it of everything of value that they could carry – unless they were being chased by zombies. But this showed no sign of a struggle, there were no bullet casings, no blood splatters, no mercied Z's - nothing. It was just useful gear lying around fresh for the taking. 

"Smells like a trap." Sarge said.

"No that's just Murphy." 10K replied earning a glare.

"We should keep moving." Warren said as they turned around and walked back the way they'd came but then the engine started up and the truck started following them down the road.

"Hey look!" Sarge shouted.

"Damn things following us." Doc added as they all stopped and turned back to the truck with no driver. It was more then just a little suspicious and as they slowly made their way toward the eighteen wheeler to scope it out there was this sound like a loud squealing or shrieking that made their ears hurt and even pressing their hands over their ears didn't do a thing to help. The loud noise made their brains feel like they would burst but before they could the world started to tilt and black dots filled their vision and it didn't take long for all of them to black out.


It didn't take a genius to figure out they'd been kidnapped when they all woke up in boxes. And after a while that horrible noise came back and made them all pass out again. After only being let out to kill zombies and make repairs in various places did they finally seem to end up in the same room. They had to shout at each other through their boxes but at least they could communicate. Warren had been stuck clearing an elevator, Doc had to clear a stairwell before he was knocked out again and woke up in a new hall with 10K and they stumbled into another corridor filled with green gas. They had to share a gas mask meaning they'd both inhaled a fair amount of whatever was poisoning the air but when they'd finally patched up the leaking pipes that sound came back and knocked them out again. When they woke up they were in the same box this time, both coughing as their lungs tried to expel the rest of the toxin as they inhaled clean air.

"Doc is that you?" Murphy's voice called, "Doc? You alright?"

"Doc's fine." 10K replied after he'd finished his coughing fit, "Just some nerve gas or something -- I'm fine too thanks for asking."

"I wasn't."

"I noticed." He mumbled as Doc fidgeted behind him.

"What happened to you guys?" Murphy asked.

"Just fixing the leaks in hell's plumbing." Doc replied.

"We gotta find a way out of here or they're gonna kill us one by one." Warren said.

"Yeah who's running this show and what is their problem?" Doc asked.

"It's gotta be a Zona operation, nobody else is so needlessly diabolical." Murphy said having known the people on Zona personally. Then there was a new faint noise and Doc turned to 10K as best he could in the crammed space.

"Sorry Kid."

"Why?" he said miserably as their box started to smell, his voice so quiet it was almost silent, "Why?"

"Quiet." Lucy said, "I'm making a friend. . . hello Carson O'Keefe."

Then that worse noise started, the one that made it feel like their ears were bleeding and their heads were about to explode and they all were knocked out again.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now